GOD, YES!! I changed my name! I HATE the name Tanya! I love my mom but she was a teen when she had me. I lived my life with this horrid name - people DO respond to names. Tanya or Tonya or any spelling is a trashy name. No doubt about it.
Once a boy in middle school told me all Tanyas are sluts and wanted to know if I would "do" him in the locker room. When I said I don't do that, he said "Why not? You're a Tanya."
Names are important. People who give babies names because they think they are cute or they knew someone who had that name or, god forbid, some character on a tv show has that name - those people are just plain stupid. Everyone reacts to your name, and I can tell you, Tanya is a TRASHY NAME.
I legally changed my name and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I never would name a child without researching it - not name meanings. People don't care about that. I would research what the smart, educated, or upper class people name their kids.
I went to college, got married, and am expecting our first child - a son - in six months. We are CAREFULLY researching names. We're not naming him for grandparents or friends or anyone at all. We're giving him a name that will be classy and fit with our last name. We're not naming a baby - we're naming a PERSON.
I'm sorry for your friend's baby. I hope they change their mind. It's a horrible name and honestly, all the other Tanyas I've known were pretty trashy girls. I felt like I was lifting weights my whole life just because I had that awful name. So glad I changed it.
If your friend does name her Tanya, tell her when she's older that she can change her name. She'll thank you for it.