Fun baby naming tool... what names will it suggest for you?
Emmy Jo (13 weeks with #2)
2008-11-24 11:08:17 UTC
Last night I came across an interesting baby naming tool that will suggest a boys' name and a girls' name to you based on the styles of your name and your partner's. It's kind of silly, of course, but I actually really liked the names it suggested for me.

I am Emily and my husband is Brian. It suggested Amelia and Archer for our kids. Cute, huh?

What names does it suggest for you? Do you like them?
41 answers:
2008-11-24 11:13:52 UTC
I love the names Amelia and Archer! Archer was actually on my boy name list recently, and we might consider Amelia if we have another girl.

I am Kathryn and my husband is Clay- it suggested Clare and Harrison for us.

We're due in April with a little girl- Eleanor Yvonne.
2008-11-24 11:32:40 UTC
We are Isabella and Lucas.

It suggested Gabriella for a girl, such a cute name! Also happens to be the name my husband wants to use for our next daughter. He wants a big family.

It suggested Marcelo for a boy.. That is hideous lol never going to happen.

With just my name it suggested Elisa and Lorenzo.

With just Lucas, it suggested Raina and Freddy.


Ahh, I am bored, so I came back :D

So.. I used my parents [Juno and Jackson] and it came up with Anthony.. My eldest brother is called that! And it said Jocelyn for a girl... My mother hates that name with a passion.

I have two brothers who are about to become daddies, so I used their names.. First, Killian and Sara.. It came up with Kenya and Malaki.. I doubt very much that will ever happen. Then, Cedric and Luella.. It came up with Cole and Brittney. Both are names Lulu hates.
love my 3
2008-11-24 11:17:16 UTC
That was cute. Thanks. I could always use something to waste a few minutes at work. :)

We are Katie and Aaron

Boy name- Chad

Girl name- Saige

I also used Katherine which is my real name and got Alyssa and Anthony (which is my Father in Law, Brother in Law and nephews name).

I love Saige, but that's about it.
2008-11-24 13:06:59 UTC
Emmy Jo, you devil ! How do you find these ? This is just what I needed. I am waiting for a very important business call and I needed a distraction. This is certainly going to do it.

When I put in mine and my husbands name: Colette & Christian, I got Ariana and Galen, Galen is that weird or what? I really like both of these names.

When I put in my parents names, Isabelle & Jean -Claude, I got Josephine. Cute, huh?

Then I started putting in the names of old boyfriends to see if I had chosen the right husband, lol.

I love the names Amelia & Archer they are just too cute together.

This is just why too much fun. The perfect way to pass the time for a "Name-Nerd".
2008-11-24 11:18:46 UTC
I used my ex's first name because I'm not married.

I got Regina for a girl & Edgar for a boy.

Don't like either name, so I guess its good that he is my ex.

Edit: With just my name it suggested Elisa for a girl & Travis for a boy. I like both of those a lot better than the other ones.
2008-11-24 11:13:50 UTC
Harold and Kelsey (from Erika and Thomas).

I don't particularly like Harold, but I am rather fond of Harry, so I could live with that. I used to adore Kelsey (about 10 years ago, though), but now it's not really my style. It's not bad by any means, though.

It is a pretty neat tool...sort of reminds me of nymbler, except it works based on parents' names.
2008-11-24 12:35:19 UTC
Well, it's fun but has given me awful names.

For my husband and I together:

Boy: Larry

Girl: Lucero

For me by myself:

Boy: Fidel

Girl: Nyla

I would never choose any of these names, but that isn't going to stop me from putting in lot's of people's names to see what it comes up with.

If my parents had used this my name would be Elisabeth. That's not so bad. The boy choice on theirs was Reuben.
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2008-11-24 11:37:55 UTC
I got Lyric for a little girl and Zander for a wee boy! I'm actually really keen on both of those...even if they are on the list that my parter would never consider!
2008-11-24 11:27:27 UTC
I got Daniela and Lorenzo... I LOVE Daniela, HATE Lorenzo. Then I tried with a random name that I like, Blaine, and got Donna (EEWWWW!!!!!!) and Giovanny (:-D). Trying to find one where I loved the boys name and girls name, I typed in Eddie, because I do like that name. Seeing Giovani again, I looked at the girls, and Gina came. I don't like Gina, so I typed in Jayson- which I like. So I got Gabriella, which is very pretty, but the boy's was Carlo!!!!!! So I typed in Zachary- one of my favorite names- and got Demarion (for a boy)- cute- and Camilla- ew. An other name, Caden, gave me Mya- which I LOVE- and Angelo- which I LOVE!!!!!!!!!! I know a boy named Angelo, I've loved the name ever since I met him. Angelo and Mya- aren't they ADORABLE?!?!?!? So I guess I'll have to marry someone named Caden, so we can have Angelo and Mya. =D
2008-11-24 11:14:47 UTC
I got Annabell and Kolton.
2008-11-24 11:50:15 UTC
That amused me for a little, haha.

It suggested Cash and Carla for me and my husband. We already have a Katheryn and a Shane.

For just my name, it suggested Alma and Thaddeus. Thaddeus is kind of cute, but nothing I'd ever use! It suggested Zoe and Steve for my husband. He actually likes those names, but he isn't in love with them.

Then I plugged in our middle names, and it came up with Caitlin and Micheal. Kaitlyn (although not Caitlin) was actually a name I considered for my daughter, and Michael (though not Micheal) is my cousin.

Then I put in my parents' names, and it turned out to be Malachi and Mora. What they did have was a Luna (me) and a Jade (my sister).

For my best friend Rachel and her husband Timothy, it suggested David and Aliyah. They already have a little girl named Kayla Erin, so eh...

Finally another friend and her husband got Molly and Glenn, and they have a Joshua and a Jacob already.
2008-11-24 11:13:38 UTC
My name is Ravyn and my husband's name is Daniel. It suggested Elian for a boy and Felicity for a girl. Not names I particularly like, but not too bad either. Maybe if this was my first child, I'd like them more, but I already have a little girl named Makenzie, so I want something that sounds good with her name.
Gunpowder & Lead
2008-11-24 11:57:52 UTC
My name is Jessica and my fiance is Christopher.

For us, it suggested Jesse as a boy name, but that's when I just put in Chris as the father's name. When I put in Christopher, it suggested Gabriel, which I prefer much more than Jesse.

For the girl, it suggested Eliana, which I think is pretty, but would never use.
2008-11-24 11:47:53 UTC
That IS kind of fun. I've added it to my favorites for when I'm bored. But sites like this never really give me names I like. I prefer to flip through books or pull from names I hear, and sites like this tend to give trendy names, for the most part. Plus, using them, I feel like I'm not really naming my child, but just taking suggestions. But it is fun. Thanks for the link.

By the way, it suggested Elsie for a girl and Louis for a boy. Big no to both.
2008-11-28 07:38:58 UTC
yay this is fun!

i'm not married. i just put in my name, which is Eva, and i got Sophia & Cristian. Christian [i like this spelling better] is my absolute favorite boy name ever, so that was weird. i also love Sophia, but it's too common for me to ever use.

i put in names of couples in my family:

[the couples names are at the top, the suggestions are after.]

James & Michele:

Camila and Leonardo. i like Camila a lot but Leonardo is too da Vinci for me. :)

John & Katherine:

Talia and Steven - i love Talia, but i prefer Natalia, and Steven is just okay. i prefer the spelling Stephen.

Joseph & Esther:

Yasmine and Sargon - Yasmine is kind of pretty, not a name i would ever use though. Sargon sounds like it could be the name of a dragon from a fantasy book. These names were kind of odd, but it makes sense because the name Esther is Persian, and these names are too.

Arthur & Alicia:

Maribel and Reid - Maribel has definitely been growing on me. i like it a lot. Reid is okay. i like it, i guess

Gregory & Jane:

Ethan and Eva - i love Ethan, it's too common though. i love Eva too :) that was a coincidence!

Karin & William:

Halie and Davin - both of these are Scandanavian. Halie is a form of Hailey/Hayley. I don't like the name itself, but the spelling looks really adorable. Davin is just strange.

Karen & Joseph:

Alisa and Dimitri - Alisa is nice, Dimitri is okay. i kind of like Dimitri, but it's to foreign sounding for me to use.

Cheryl & Alan:

Carol and Antoine - Carol is too old sounding, in my opinion, and Antoine is too foreign. i think i like Anthony better.

that was really fun :)
Rationality is lost
2008-11-24 11:12:52 UTC
lolol. Cornelius for a boy, Lena for a girl.

But if I used my real first name and not the middle name I go by it was Jimmy and Alina.

Alina is moderately tolerable... Lena isnt too bad.... But the boys names are awful!

very entertaining.
2008-11-24 11:42:30 UTC
For me, it suggest Sage for a boy and Lisa for a girl. I really don't like the name Sage but I love the name Lisa.
*(* Mz. HollyWxxD*)*
2008-11-24 11:28:27 UTC
For a girl they gave me Kaitlyn and for a boy they gave me Konnor. I really do not like those names at all. I plan to have my children's name to be Diamond Ny'Chelle and Ty'Shawn Cortez. BTW my name is Ciarra and my dude's name is Olandus
Craig's wife, mom of 3
2008-11-24 12:04:09 UTC
My name is Valerie and my husband's name is Craig and it suggested Maximilian for a boy and Lacey for a girl. I guess that they are ok names but I wouldn't pick them for my kids.
2008-11-24 11:31:55 UTC
Haha I got Tyson for a boy and Christine for a girl!
♥Adelyn was born 9/17/09♥
2008-11-24 15:54:50 UTC
My name is Kristin and my husbands is Joshua.

It suggested Kristin for a girl and Oscar for a boy.

How fun, :)
2008-11-24 11:22:42 UTC
I am Sarah my s/o is Robb and it came back with Lea for a girl and Zion for a boy.

Our daughters name is Kylee!
Belanna Jouel
2008-11-24 11:30:10 UTC
Giselle for a girl.

Gerald for a boy.

LOL I like them but they're not my first choice of names!

This was fun!
Kristen J
2008-11-24 12:15:07 UTC
It gave me Nestor for a boy and Irene for a girl. Not a big fan of either. :(
2008-11-24 11:18:43 UTC
I dont really like archer for a boys name.....

anyways my name is stephanie and my fiance's name is matthew and it gave us the names tabitha and thomas... I dont like tabitha at all but i like thomas its cute!
2008-11-24 11:14:56 UTC
Cute question (as always). Jaylan and Kaylynn for me. Do not like them at all! :)

Just my name...Braylen and McKenna

Just my husbands name...Madelyn and Dorian FOR A BOY!

The only one I like is Madelyn. :)
Mommy to Ella and Jack
2008-11-24 12:24:23 UTC
It was fun, suggested Mikaela and Jesse...what's weird is my name is hebrew (I'm not Jewish tho) and it suggested only hebrew names for me, whether it was me and hubby's name or just my own.
Jillian M
2008-11-24 11:18:51 UTC
Marcus and Olivia. Marcus is awful. Olivia is so cute but too popular for me to ever use.
2008-11-24 13:34:01 UTC
No I didn't like my names:


and Sam (which is ok, but it's too close to my name, Samantha)

It is kind of fun though!
2008-11-24 15:46:13 UTC
For my parents

Elit and Zach (Elit & Isaac)

Efren and Zariah (Zion & Eliza)
2008-11-24 11:28:04 UTC
Apparently I'm supposed to be named Cadence.....
2008-11-24 11:23:32 UTC
I got Adelaide and is a fun little game!
2008-11-24 11:48:27 UTC
hm Jason and Ella
2008-11-24 11:41:56 UTC
Bad results!! Lol x
2008-11-24 11:17:10 UTC
I got carla and braiden...

I dont think im too fond of carla, but braiden I do like:)
2008-11-24 11:22:51 UTC
Colt and maggie from me and my boyfriends name.
2008-11-24 11:19:32 UTC
mine is for a girl: Karina(cute) boy: Karill(ewww)
2008-11-24 11:27:23 UTC
James and Rebecah, I do not like either. lol
2008-11-24 11:40:12 UTC
Garrett (Boy)

Alayna (Girl)
fa shooo :)
2008-11-24 11:18:27 UTC
lol i got cortez && alejandra

and i dont like them lol
2008-11-24 11:15:19 UTC
That's odd, it suggested Braunshitta for me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.