Rizzabel -- Mmm, sounds too made up. I'm not a fan. It sounds kind of eccentric and trying too hard to be cool. In all reality, it sounds like a name only a teenage mother would use (sorry). 2 / 10
Jocelyn -- Love Jocelyn. I'm a fan of the nickname Jossie as well. Very attractive, sweet, and ages well. Love it. 9 / 10
Jacklyn -- I generally like Jacklyn, though I LOVE Jacqueline (zhahk-LEEN, the "zh" in the beginning being pronounced like the S in the word vision). Jacklyn is sweet and mature, and I like that. 7 / 10
Jennalyn -- Okay, sounds rather trendy... Jenna would be much better. It's extremely trendy and annoying to randomly add "lyn" to the end of a name. 5 / 10
Jisella /or Jiselle -- I don't like this spelling. I prefer Gisele / Gisela or Giselle / Gisella (I personally prefer 1 L, as it's the original and the ones with two L's are pronounced "jee-zuh-luh" in most foreign countries). The name itself is gorgeous, and I absolutely LOVE it... but the spelling you have repulses me... I definitely don't like changing the G. It looses points for that, IMO, sorry. 6 / 10, Gisele / Gisela would get 10 / 10. LOVE the name.
Je'Laine -- It only seems ghetto because of the way you spell it. Jillaine is a real name, pronounced similarly, and doesn't seem ghetto to me at all. I LOVE Jillian, and I think Jillaine is okay, but Je'Laine is ridiculous. No one in their right mind adds something that's not a letter to a name. It's not cool, attractive, or pleasant... it's immature, ugly, and just complicated. Ick. 3 / 10, but Jillaine would get 8 / 10, and Jillian would get 9 / 10.
Paola -- This IS a name, though usually pronounced "pow-luh". If you wanted to change the pronunciation, I'd recommend changing the spelling as well, because everyone who sees it is going to pronounce it "pow-luh". It's like naming your daughter Naomi and expecting people to pronounce it "now-mee". It's just not going to happen. Maybe Payola or something? though the sound of the name makes me think "crayola" and I don't like it anyway. 3 / 10.
Maricella -- Marcella or Maribel /or Maribella (or Miribel / Miribella) would be better. I love Marcella and Maribel / Maribella, but Maricella just sounds like someone wants to get married in a cellar...? awkward... 5 / 10, Marcella would get 7 / 10, Maribel / Miribel would get 9 / 10, Maribella / Miribella 8 / 10
My favorite is definitely Jocelyn out of your list, but if Gisele / Gisela was spelled correctly, it would definitely be my favorite. Just remember, don't try too hard. There are plenty of attractive unique names. Making one up just seems immature and clumsy.
-- Amy