2011-04-01 21:18:01 UTC
You are seventeen and have graduated high school early. You and your boyfriend named _____ sleep together as a graduation "present" as your boyfriend calls it. A month later you find out your pregnant.
9 months later twin boys are born a month early but are perfectly healthy. What are the twins names? (First name must be a popular name from the late 1880s or early 1900s.)
Your boys are now 6 months when your boyfriend proposes. You are married 2 months later in ____. You take a two week honeymoon to ____.
After the honeymoon you find out you are pregnant again. 7 months later a beautiful baby boy is born. You name him after his father or grandfather, what is his name?
The twins are now 3 and your son is 1 1/2 your husband gets a promotion. You move to _____ (a cold state or country)
A couple days after arriving you feel sick and go to a nearby doctor. You find out you are a couple months pregnant. A few months later you have another set of twin boys named what ever you would like.
With your first set of twins 7, your son 5, and your second set of twins 2 your youngest brother, Tyler gets his girlfriend pregnant and you take the little girl in. The child's middle name is Hailey after her bio mother's name. (first name is Biblical or hopeful name)
You think your family is complete when your youngest turns 5 but you turn out pregnant. You are told that you are having a baby girl, but after the little girl comes out there is a baby boy. The baby boy has severe asthma and the girl has severe dyslexia. You name the boy something manly and the girl a very girly name.
You have been saving for a house but just now have enough money. You move a couple cities away from where you currently live. Where do you move? How many rooms are in the house
You get a job to help support your family. What is your job? You also get a pet. What do you call the pet?
After a few years pass you have a fight with your hubby and he moves out of the house for a couple weeks. That is when one of the eldest twins gives the news of being engaged and his fiance being pregnant. What is the name of your child's fiance?
Name your humongous family.
Sorry it's so long,
Luckie 4 :)