Benjamin Atticus - I absolutely love Benjamin as a name.Its very masculine sounding and it ages well. In love with this one. Atticus on the other, I'm not so sure about. I just sort of sounds like the name of the villian in a childrens cartoon if that makes any sense. It just doesn't sound very good as a name. Its more of a guilty pleasure type name I suppose. I would definitely recommend Benjamin but I would drop the Atticus.
James Ezra: James, like Benjamin is a strong masculine name and I really like. As with Benjamin, it suits all age groups. Ezra is not the worst name I have heard and I do like it more than Atticus, but its not something that I would use personally. Although it does sound good with James. Jem as a nickname I wouldn't recommend though because all the Gem's I've ever met are called Gemma/Jemma so I view Gem as very feminine sounding. For a boy you want something that is masculine sounding like Jay or even just James.
Adelaide Rose: I LOVE Rose, but Adelaide I'm not so sure about. I don't know if its just that i have never known an Adelaide but I just couldn't imagine someone actually being called it. That said Adelaide Rose goes really well together and it does look very feminine. Ada though is an old persons name - so stick to Adelaide.
Violet Elodie is beautiful. I really like this combo. Love both names, especially Violet. It flows really well, sounds really feminine. I think this is the perfect name to be honest.
Louise Penelope: I sort of think it flows better if you switch the names round but it does sound pretty. Penelope is not really a name that I had heard of much before Kourtney Kardashian used it, but it is a really pretty name and Penny for short is good if you are looking for suggestions.