Is this such a bad name for our daughter?
2016-04-12 11:02:21 UTC
My husband and I are due to have our first baby in July. It is a girl! We want to name her Kaylee Anna Cruz. But we are having so much backlash and negativity from it. My husband is Mexican. I am Italian American. My name is Anna so that is where the middle name comes from. For Kaylee, I combined my grandparents names. They raised me so that spelling sticks! I am firm on it. My grandmother was Katherine; Kay for short. My grandfather was Lee.

People are being rude and saying these things...
1. Kaylee won t age well. Employers won t like that name. It s not very mature.
2. It is a made up name with no meaning.
3. Pick something more Italian and Mexican like Sofia, Isabella, Arianna, etc. for the family members who do not speak English.
4. Etc.

What do you think?

I don t think it s a bad name. We love it! I just am concerned over their concerns. Please help!
166 answers:
2016-04-12 12:31:30 UTC
People who are saying that can't be serious!!! Employers won't like that name???? What??? Seriously? It's such a beautiful name with a lovely meaning behind it! I don't think any Employer in their right mind would look at a name and think oh no I can't employ her because I just don't like the name!

Kaylee will age well, of course it will!

Pick something more Italian or Mexican? No, don't! Kaylee is a lovely name and so easy to pronounce even an Arabic person could pronounce it!

Please do not let anyone talk you out of naming your daughter what you want, this is your baby, your the one who has suffered with morning sickness, it's you who's carrying her, it's you who will be giving birth to her and going through all that pain then it's you who will be raising her so you have every right to name her what you want and as long as your husbands by your side everyone else's opinions shouldn't matter, good luck, I wish you and your family the best in life.
2016-12-24 04:59:49 UTC
2016-04-14 12:43:57 UTC
Saying that this is a bad name is ridiculous. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this name! And the reasons behind this name are beautiful I think. What a great way to honor such special family members. Who cares what others tin? Especially if it has such a special meaning to you. And trust me, employers don't discriminate against your daughter because her name is Kaylee. The names Amy, Courtney, Chelsea, and other such similar names are common in workplaces so why is a name likee Kaylee an issue? And family will get used to your child's name. My husband and I are Hispanic living in the US and we named our son Evan. Our Spanish speaking family has some issues with the name, but they've gotten used to it. You could pick much more difficult names than Kaylee. That name is fine. Why would you go with such typical Spanish names anyway. Everybody has them. That's boring. Do what you want and be proud of you beautiful, special name choice.
2016-04-17 16:36:15 UTC

Firstly, Kaylee Anna Cruz has perfect flow. I think it sounds lovely together and it's a very beautiful name.

Secondly, the sentiment behind it is BEAUTIFUL. The fact that you found such a perfect name combined for the two people who were the most important to you is wonderful. I am so happy that Kay and Lee could be used toget her to honor the important people in your life.

Lastly, whoever said that is rude and out of line. I personally do not love the name Kaylee but not is this name and spelling real and usable, there is nothing wrong with it! I knew a girl named Kaylee back in high school and no college or employer has discriminated against her. It is definitely NOT mad up and there are certainly names far worse and without importance used all the time.

Your name is beautiful, sentimental, and perfect for you and your family. There is nothing I could suggest except to keep your head up and know your daughter is the perfect honor to your grandparents :)
2016-04-13 08:41:13 UTC
I think it's such a beautiful name to call someone and those who are insulting it should be ashamed of themselves as they are talking about a new life here, not some toy doll you picked a name for. They all need to understand that and, if they don't, then they don't deserve to be part of her life ever. That name is beautiful and ignore all those shameful people.
2016-04-12 19:31:34 UTC
I think it's such a beautiful name to call someone and those who are insulting it should be ashamed of themselves as they are talking about a new life here, not some toy doll you picked a name for. They all need to understand that and, if they don't, then they don't deserve to be part of her life ever. That name is beautiful and ignore all those shameful people.
2016-04-12 11:12:12 UTC
Employees don't care about names much. They are just making excuses so you don't name it that. I love the name. I think it is very unique. You took names and put them together. You wouldn't find a meaning for that name in a baby book and that's okay! It's unique and different. The name has no meaning to everyone else because they don't live your life. It is your child and you can name it whatever you would like. It's meaningful to you so it shouldn't matter what other people think. She will grow up and be beautiful and smart! I wish you good luck on whatever you decide to do and I hope you and your family are well ❤ -Amanda
2016-04-12 12:35:23 UTC
I can guarantee from personal experience that employers do not choose a person to hire based on their name and that they don't care what a person;s name is but just how well they will do the job. All names age well because they grow along with the child. Kaylee is not really made up. It's a smushed version of Kay Lee which honors your grandparents. I think Kaylee Anna Cruz is outstanding.
2016-04-12 18:31:09 UTC
Really?! That's a great name my sister has the same name but spelt Kaile (but People that don't know her get confused and call her Kylie and Callie a lot so I wouldn't recommend that spelling) I think the name will mature well and is most definitely not made up. Also along with my sister, I know to other girls with the same name, one spells hers Kaleigh and the other is Kaylee (like yours!) An employer also isn't going to look at a name and say "oh, I don't like this name, so I won't employ her." Best of luck don't listen to anyone, name her Kaylee Anna, it's so beautiful.
2016-04-12 13:21:05 UTC
Kaylee is not my favorite name but it's not a terrible name either. People forget that names that are common for babies become, in 20 years, names that are common for adults so the thing about it not aging well isn't a huge deal. If you love it, go with it. It has a great meaning and it sounds like your heart is set on it anyway.
2016-04-16 12:45:01 UTC
I don't think it is such a bad name either. To be honest wouldn't be my choice but then it doesn't have to be. It is what you and your husband like and agree on. Do really like the idea of how you combined the grandmothers names though. Clever.
2016-04-12 19:45:06 UTC
This is a great name. Don't listen to the people who say it is not... It is not their decision. Expecially since it has such meaning behind it! Kaylee Anna Cruz has such a nice flow to it!

Good luck with the baby! :-)
2016-04-14 12:42:01 UTC
Look, you've got to choose a name you like. If you're not big on the importance of ethnicity or big on the importance of the meaning of names, then why give people the impression, from your child's name, that she has parents who are?

I think it's a pretty feminine name, and if you're in Britain where I am, it's not that popular now so I don't think it will put a date on her in the future. And you have an absolutely fab heart warming reason for Kaylee, which your girl will probably love.

BTW in Anglo Saxon leigh/lee/ley means field.
2016-04-13 12:46:13 UTC
They all need to understand that and, if they don't, then they don't deserve to be part of her life ever. That name is beautiful and ignore all those shameful people. People forget that names that are common for babies become, in 20 years, names that are common for adults so the thing about it not aging well isn't a huge deal. If you love it, go with it. It has a great meaning and it sounds like your heart is set on it anyway.
2016-04-12 11:07:58 UTC
The answer is ... no, it is not such a bad name. There are plenty of Kaylee's (or other various spellings) in the world. Ann, Anne, Anna is a very popular middle name. You probably shouldn't be worried about what other people think. Virtually every one of us has a name and we didn't pick it out, our parents did; and they didn't ask our permission or opinion.
2016-04-12 16:42:54 UTC
You are bringing the child into the world. I'd ask them why they think they have a right to say anything! People are so rude. Does the name make you happy? You put a lot of thought into it and I hope you stand up for yourself. Not that my opinion should matter to you but I do think it's pretty and I think it's nice that you are giving your child a name wit family history Kay and Lee and Anna , it's a sweet story to tell her someday and a a way for her to remember part of her history.
2016-04-13 16:08:47 UTC
I think Kaylee is a beautiful name for your daughter. Why should it matter if the name doesn't sound Hispanic or whatever? What actually makes a name belong to a certain race? And, the name most certainly does have a meaning, it has a meaning to you, as it will always remind you of your grandparents. Congratulations on your baby!
2016-04-13 19:28:37 UTC
I think it's a beautiful name for any daughter, and trust me. In schools there will be a lot of other kids with 'made-up' names without 'meaning'. It'll have meaning to you(the parents) and your daughter. There's nothing going against her aging well and even though some people think it's not professional, well they'll also base her off of her intelligence and skill level.

The main thing is, do YOU(the parents) like it and like it forever, that's the main point of getting to name your kid. (Hope this helps!)
2016-04-13 21:29:07 UTC
It's one of the loveliest name combinations I've ever heard. And I'm kind of really good at that. Not only are all three names very nice, but kaylee Cruz us great, kaylee anna, & the the 3 together are great. I love it. It's also the kind of name that is beautiful but ambiguous enough to not lead your daughter to need to "fit it" , instead it will grow to fit her and before you know it she will not be able to be thought of any other way, & the name will be associated with her, rather than having too much attached already. It's beautiful. Keep it
2016-04-13 21:58:28 UTC
Honestly, who cares what other people think. As long as you like the name and it holds special meaning for you then that is all that matters. People will always have an opinion but they aren't the ones who are putting food in your mouth, keeping a roof over your head, or paying the bills. If they do have any problem with it, clearly they have no life of their own & just being petty. These people need not matter. Beautiful name.
2016-04-12 22:36:55 UTC
Here some pretty Mexican and Italian girls names that you and your husband can use as first name and middle name for your little girl .

( Mexican names )































































Anna Rose

Anna Bella

Anna Lee

Anna Maratha

Anna Leah

Anna Leigh

Anna Lisa























Tonya -Rae

























Rose -Mary










































2016-04-14 19:01:18 UTC
Personally, I love the name Kaylee. It's obviously a meaningful name, so I see no reason why others wouldn't love it. Ultimately, the decision is yours, so go with whatever you like best. Ethnicity doesn't matter when giving your child a name, and most employers won't judge a person based on their name. Also, I have a similar name (Katie).
2016-04-14 08:58:40 UTC
Honestly I think it's a lovely name. You really need to ignore what other people think and go for the name you like, not what some random person thinks. There's always going to be people haters but who cares? They obviously have nothing better to do... Anyway good luck with your daughter! Hope everything goes well for you 😊
2016-04-12 16:59:51 UTC
Kaylee is lovely I think the thought you put into it is wonderful and you child will always know how special it is. Easy to say in both languages too. I did the same thing for my grand daughter Geovanna Daddy is Jorge momma is Anna She loves it and feels very special. Kay is a very common adult name. It is great don't change for someone else.
2016-04-13 16:11:48 UTC
There are thousands of Kaylees. The one I know best is an OB nurse. Nothing about her name prevented her from being employed in a very responsible profession

I think it is very very nice that you are incorporating your grandparents' names and your name into your daughter's name. Don't change a thing.
2016-04-13 15:49:39 UTC
Those people are wrong! This is a gorgeous name! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Kaylee is gorgeous and it's just another spelling of Kaleigh. Personally I like Kaylee better, great name!

Kaylee ages just fine, I know plenty of Kaylee's (all have different spellings, except one) and they all range from 9-45 and their name suits them.

Anna is a classic and you cannot go wrong with it! More points to you, since it's your name!

The whole name, Kaylee Anna Cruz sounds wonderful and flows flawlessly!
2016-04-13 10:08:32 UTC
I'm Mexican. My twins are Zoey and Melody. I thought long and hard about their names and whether or not to change them for my family that only speak Spanish. Zoey is a diffcult name for my family to say and if they ever struggle they can always call her Evangelina (Evangeline) her middle name in Spanish. As for Melody it transfers so hers is easier they just call her Melodia. They say her name with ease.

I say screw 'em! Haha that's what I said when I was in a similar situation. My children, my choice. I could of picked a different first name for Zoey but my heart was set on Evangeline originally as a first name, Zoey was the only name I liked paired with it and the meanings together made me love it even more. Zoey means life and Evangeline means the bearer of good news so it's like saying life is the bearer of good news. I loved it 6 years and I still love it today. My mind has not changed and it honestly never will.

I doubt yours will change. Stick with the name you know in your heart is the right choice for your daughter.
2016-04-13 20:52:38 UTC
I love the name. It's pretty and sweet. Also, there's a character in Joss Whedon's TV Show named Firefly with the name Kaylee, and it's spelt the same way.

All the reasons you've listed for people's negative opinions are completely irrelevant and total bullshit.
2016-04-14 02:02:24 UTC
She won't be hired by employers of 2016... She will be hired by employers of 2040-2060, many of whom will be named Kaylee, Kayleigh, Kailie, Kaylie, etc. if you want to know how she will fit in among her peers, consult current baby name trends to get an idea of the population of 20-30 years from now, not someone who probably still thinks no one will ever be hired with dyed hair or a tattoo.
2016-04-12 19:57:06 UTC
Wikipedia says it's a real name, so don't sweat it and enjoy the name that is so meaningful to you and your family.

"Kaylee (also commonly spelled Kaley, Kayley, and Kayleigh) is a female given name formed through the combination of the names Kay and Lee. Alternately, it is sometimes considered as an Anglicized version of the Gaelic céilidh, a type of social dance or party in Scotland. The Russian version of this name is "Kaitiana"."
2016-04-13 05:36:48 UTC
I think thats a beautiful name and it's very special that it has meaning to you.

It doesn't matter what anyone else says.

Also, It seems to never go well to tell people the name of your baby before he or she is born. I have seven siblings and my parents always kept the name a secret until the baby was born... People will not criticize a sweet newborn baby like they will a name before the baby is born.

Just a tip:)
2016-04-14 10:21:23 UTC
I think it is a beautiful name! You shouldn't care what people are going to think about it. Employers don't really care that much about names. Plus, if she doesn't like her name when she gets older, she can legally change it at the age of 18 (with parents permission age 16 to 18).

But I think it is a beautiful name.:) Best of luck to you both and Congrats!!!!:)
2016-04-13 01:19:08 UTC
Honestly, no way! Kaylee is a beautiful name! Don't let your family or friends choose the name, she is your child and you deserve to name her. My mother wanted to name me Molly, after my grandmother, but my auntie refused and said no one had a name like that and made her change it. I am happy with my name now, however having a name after a loved one is so much more sentimental and i'm sure your grandparents would love it! In the end it's up to you and your husband, good luck!
2016-04-12 11:41:15 UTC
Go with the name you like. What a wonderful name. I LOVE the name Kaylee. It' s really pretty . Anna too. A very great meaning behind her name . She can feel special.

When you will see your baby you' ll know if it' s THE name.

2016-04-14 13:22:53 UTC
These people sound superstitious. Every unfortunate thing that happens will be attributed to the child's name. It is up to you. Get ready for a lifetime of fallout. As for me, I would not name my child something that so many people claim that they do not like. Listen now so that the child will not suffer, later. Name her Katherine LeeAnn or something else. You can call her KLee as a family nick name. It may not be the name but you they are targeting. They may be looking forward to tormenting you for the rest of your life. Don't give them ammo to use on you and your daughter. Play it safe for the sake of the child and for your peace of mind. There are many variations of the names that you sound creative enough to use.
2016-04-15 03:12:14 UTC
You know what you have just answered your question your firm on what you believe and well isn't it you who is going to be with this child all the time? So tell them whatever problems they may think might happen then you and your daughter will deal with it! It's a beautiful name👏👍
2016-04-12 11:49:09 UTC
Kaylee Anna is a beautiful name with deep meaning. They will grow to love it. Stand your ground. Letting someone else name your baby is not quite right from how it should be, the parents should have the final say on their baby's name.
2016-04-12 16:10:54 UTC
It's a lovely name and it has special meaning to you and your family, and that is important. Anna is common in Mexico and Italy and her surname will be Cruz so it's not like people won't get a clue as to heritage. But she's your daughter, not theirs - you give her the name you want to. I like it. And once she's born and they start to associate it with her, they'll like it too.
2016-04-13 19:06:52 UTC
It's adorable! Spanish speakers will be able to pronounce it just fine, and it ages fine. Employers don't care if your name sounds mature as long as you are good at your job it doesn't matter. I know plenty of Kaylees and they all have jobs and are successful people. Name your little girl whatever you want. She is yours after all the only opinion that matters is your and your husbands. Ignore people who put the name down its a beautiful name!
2016-04-12 11:12:07 UTC
Their reasons for not wanting you to name your daughter that are ridiculous!

She is your daughter! I love that name and how you combined your grandparents name in it :)

Your a very creative person!

I think the name you picked is beautiful!

Dont listen to them, their probably jealous and want the name

She's your child, so name her whatever you want!

Congratulations! Your going to be great parents to Kaylee Anna Cruz :)
2016-04-14 15:03:01 UTC
I think that is ridiculous it's your daughter and you can name her what you like, but I personally think it's a very cute name and will sound fine no matter what age. It sound good, is cute, and has a good meaning that she will love when she is older. If you want it to have to have Italian or Mexican origin that's up to you and your husband.
2016-04-16 14:57:38 UTC
Employers shouldn't hire people that make such insults. This is the decision of you and your husband. Do what makes the two of you happy :)
Caroline Taylor
2016-04-12 17:55:42 UTC
Kaylee is a terrible name. Too many parents are making up names for their children nowadays. That name won't age well at all.
2016-04-14 21:55:44 UTC
Its a personal choice and I don't think its a weird name nor anything bad for you both to get so much negativity.

Stick to your guns and name her Kaylee Anna Cruz I think its a beautiful wholesome name and don't worry about anyone else.

Good luck with your baby :-)
2016-04-14 06:33:28 UTC
That's insane, saying people won't employ her for that name??

She's going to be YOUR daughter; name her whatever you like. It's nothing to do with anybody else.

Kaylee is a beautiful name!
2016-04-13 05:01:35 UTC
its your child and if you and your husband like it then I dont see why not, family members can make suggestions but the final name isn't up to them. I think family names are great because they have a lot of meaning and nice to honour family members. If your daughter really doesnt like it then they can always change it at 16/18.
2016-04-13 22:37:20 UTC
Honestly, a Kaylee 20 years ago might have been bad (but not that bad), but now, it's quite popular...and employers will see dozens of that name come across their desk. They won't flinch at that name. Name your baby what you want to name her.
2016-04-13 01:01:45 UTC
Concerned over their concerns or your daughters concerns? If it was me I wouldn't give a **** what they think especially if I had to push a baby through a tiny whole. You put a lot of thought into this name and it has meaning it's not like you pulled a name out of your *** and named your baby Gay Lord F*cker.
Esther Vences
2016-04-13 20:08:31 UTC
Why is it a bad name? Because of their opinion? At the end of the day your having YOUR DAUGHTER NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. It's a beautiful name and it means something to you
2016-04-13 04:50:12 UTC
Kaylee sounds pretty 'whitebread', but it isn't bad enough to raise eyebrows. It smacks of suburban culture-free middle class whiteness, though.

I think the best bet is if you can find something culturally/traditionally appropriate or something historical/biblical that you like, but still not unfamiliar enough to be weird.
2016-04-14 01:44:32 UTC
Hey its your kid, name it whatever you want. It's kind of unique with a sentiment behind it that means something to you and your family. I like it.

But i do have some suggestions of my own.

* Zenith

* Quasar

* Barron-Von-Trumpington

* Deréck (pronounced Sophie)

* Kaylee! (but with the '!' to piss off all the people who don't like the name)

Feel free to use any of these names.... I'm just joking...

But seriously screw everyone who thinks it's a bad name!! It's a lovely name.
2016-04-12 11:14:00 UTC
I know adults named Kaylee. Nothing wrong with that name. It's fun and a nice sounding name.
2016-04-13 01:40:47 UTC
I think it's a beautiful name! It's even more special because "Kaylee" is in memory of your grandparents. That is a perfect name. I love it. Don't let anyone deter you, hon! It's the best name you can give to your little girl.
2016-04-14 03:45:33 UTC
To me, an older Briton, that name screams "certain sort of American" - especially the "Kaylee". I am surprised that an Italian and a Mexican have chosen "Kaylee", even though it can be formed from names of grandfathers.

I agree with others that "Kaylee" might not age well as a name, and it certainly might tend to put the girl into a certain social level, from which it might be difficult to rise - even job prospects might to a slight extent be limited.

But remember that I am wiring from a British perspective.
2016-04-13 18:50:32 UTC
**** employers kaylee although spelt differently is a normal name.

My sister is named after an obscure island and she's an over educated theologist who earns about 5x what I do.
2016-04-13 13:15:42 UTC
It is not a bad name at all. Name her it! People are being ridiculous and they can't decide what you daughter's name is.
2016-04-12 11:07:36 UTC
Who cares what other people think of your child's name? If you are talking about people here on Yahoo Answers you should know most the people in the babys name section are children. They are people who are not married and don't have children of their own. They are playing games. I've never seen people in real life obsess over names as I see users do here. So don't take what people say here seriously. If you like the name and so does your husband then so be it. What others think is their problem.
2016-04-14 00:39:17 UTC
How about Maria Consuelo Margarita Chuyita Leticia Anna Costancia Cruz? Its nice and long and unforgettably amazing!
2016-04-14 07:54:20 UTC
If you listen to what other people say negatively over your life and your decissions then you'll never be in control of your life, or happiness.

Take what people say to you with a pinch of salt, don't take it to heart.

Stick with the name you both chose and are happy with, other people's opinions shouldn't matter.
2016-04-14 07:43:02 UTC
Your child, your decision. Your parents, and your in laws had their chance to name children, now it's your turn. You don't have to justify the name to anyone. Meanings of names? Eh, not a big deal. This name means a lot to you because it honors your grandparents.
2016-04-12 11:33:31 UTC
Trust your instincts. I like the name. I let my Grandmother talk me out of a name that I loved for my daughter. I wish I hadn't.
2016-04-14 08:18:09 UTC
Sugar Booger
2016-04-14 16:10:41 UTC
It's a creative name
2016-04-14 14:53:39 UTC
It's a beautiful spelling,

Much better than North west or Diamond or the odd names people pick..
2016-04-12 11:11:14 UTC
Anna is great but yeah, sorry Kaylee sounds infantile and won't age well at all.

What about Anna Kaylee Cruz instead?
2016-04-14 16:46:44 UTC
Its a beautiful name!!! And I believe her entire name has meaning!! It is your child, you are carrying her for 9 months dealing with all the pregnancy stress the least you could do is name her!! Forget about what everyone is saying, it is just an excuse for you to change the name more Italian and Mexican
2016-04-14 03:38:19 UTC
If you want to call her that I say do it. Kaylee is not a made up name. I often get asked if my name is spelt like that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the name you have chosen
lisa Blanchard
2016-04-13 08:22:42 UTC
Love that name! I want to name my daughter Suri Noelle and I'm getting a lot of backlash too...
2016-04-14 09:49:32 UTC
It's a great name as long as you and your husband agree it doe's not matter what others think. Prayers for a happy healthy pregnancy/delivery/baby.
2016-04-13 12:36:44 UTC
1. Employers can't discriminate against someones name..

2. It's a real name

3. Don't change the name to please others, especially ones who don't speak english. It's a name, not a language.

This is you and your husbands child. Not theirs.
2016-04-13 19:14:51 UTC
Absolutely not. In fact, the name "Kaylee" means Pure. I have many mature friends by the name Kaylee, and if your daughter chooses she can later have a nickname. Congratulations!
2016-04-12 12:12:08 UTC
I think that is an alright name but maybe it could go as a other middle name and choose something more sophisticated like the other ones you suggested , personally i prefer Arianna
2016-04-13 10:39:18 UTC
you need to tell those people to shut up. there are people naming their kids crazy names and they're mad about Kaylee? that is a good name and the way you came up with it is creative and touching. its not a hard name to pronounce; members of your family who don't speak english should have no problem with that. its a beautiful name and she is YOUR child, you give her the name you want!
2016-04-12 15:56:53 UTC
No! My name is Kaylee Ann. I absolutely LOVE my name! My name was created by my Uncles middle name (Lee) grandmothers middle name (Kay), and i got my moms middle name (Ann)! I love this name so much because no one has it. When i think of another kaylee, i think of a sweet girl who is kind. (not trying to be cocky or anything) Everytime someone says my name my heart jumps!
2016-04-12 21:27:59 UTC
Kaylee sounds like a Midwest day shift stripper name.
2016-07-21 06:30:36 UTC
it's one of the loveliest name combinations i've ever heard... and i'm kind of really good at that... not only are all three names very nice, but kaylee cruz us awesome, kaylee anna, & the the 3 together are awesome... i love it... it's also the kind of name that is beautiful but ambiguous enough to not lead your daughter to need to "fit it" , instead it shall grow to fit her and before you know it she shall not be able to be thought of any other way, & the name shall be associated with her, rather than having too much attached already... it's beautiful... keep it
2016-04-12 21:19:34 UTC
Kaylee is a fine name worthy of a fine young lady. The last name Cruz however is a little too similar to the last name of a certain Canadian robot...

(Ted obviously)
2016-04-12 12:40:15 UTC
I think this is an absolutely lovely name! Also, dont listen to those who say it has no meaning because it clearly does mean a lot to you. The name is beautiful and flows nicely with the middle name. I think you should go with your gut and leave this as the name, you can never truly please everyone anyhow.
2016-04-12 11:08:03 UTC
i personally like it! Do what ever makes you happy all that matters is what you think names can't predict the future! just because you have a certain name it doesnt mean you wont get hired! Who cares what others think its your daughter:)
2016-04-13 12:33:28 UTC
I think it's a good name for your daughter. Don't let anybody chance your mind. It won't be any problems with it as she gets older. You do what you and your husband want and don't let anybody change your mind.
2016-04-14 05:54:42 UTC
Pick something more Italian like calzone or gelato.yeah Gelato Anna Cruz is the name of a true winner.
2016-04-13 06:09:10 UTC
don't worry about what everyone else is saying. you have picked out a beautiful name that has great meaning to you, and that is what is most important. don't listen to the naysayers- there will always be someone out there who doesn't like the name.
2016-04-14 11:13:45 UTC


Even if there is 20 Marys in your family if you want mary name her Mary.

If 99.9 percent of people say Kayle is a bad name then name her Kayle because YOU WANT THAT NAME. You'll regret it if you dont. I had my daughter 4 months ago. I shouldnt of listened to people.
Jess Cortes
2016-04-15 01:12:07 UTC
If you like it, I love it! Screw the naysayers. It's not like you're naming her lasagna burrito amore'. Some people! Sometimes it's just best not to ask for input.
2016-04-14 12:47:14 UTC
I love this name. It's beautiful.
2016-04-14 15:06:46 UTC
What's wrong with Maria?
2016-04-12 14:18:08 UTC
What is it like when you interbreed with minorities like that? My friend said when it comes time to give birth, you wake up in the middle of the night to find her in the corner of the kitchen, growling and eating the afterbirth and stuff like a dog. It wouldn't surprise me.
2016-04-13 11:21:11 UTC
Hey you're daughters name is suppose to have meaning right if this came to you're heart stick with it trust me.
2016-04-15 15:58:35 UTC
It doesn't matter what other people think, it only matters what YOU think. I think what other people are saying is ridiculous. I love the name Kaylee - I think it's very cute and joyful name.
2016-04-13 18:33:36 UTC
If you like it, go for it. most kids go through a phase where they hate their own names. I know a cute girl named Kaylee. Sounds ok to me. It has meaning for you, so why not?
2016-04-14 04:42:57 UTC
Kaylee is a beautiful name. Don't let others put you off.
2016-04-13 13:28:21 UTC
I think it's a good name
2016-04-13 13:32:11 UTC
I think it is a decent name. However, Kaylee seems a bit... trashy... Personally, I think a traditional Spanish or Italian name is much more beautiful.
2016-04-13 12:03:12 UTC
Personally i love the name its gorgeous. My friend at school has hers spelled kaylee and there is nothing wrong with it everyone loves her. I find it to be a perfectly fitting baby name to be quite honest
Bella B
2016-04-14 05:08:11 UTC
I went to school with girl called Kaylene or Kayleen.

You could always go for Kathleen or Catalina or similar variation if you want something more, "traditional"
2016-04-13 11:09:21 UTC
Obviously not!! Though, if you were thinking of changing her beautiful name, I'd pick something similar: like Kayla maybe?
Vinegar Taster
2016-04-13 18:53:30 UTC
I'd change Anna to Ann , and leave it there .

It's a different name .
2016-04-14 05:11:23 UTC
Its a new era name, when she is older, may people will have the same name. ALSO its illegal to discriminate on someones name, and employer who does is not someone I would work for anyway...
2016-04-14 18:46:05 UTC
Do whatever you feel is right. Many people have given ridiculous names to their babies and I think your thoughts are interesting and unique (in a good way). Go for it
2016-04-13 18:24:12 UTC
I think it's a nice name
2016-04-12 15:24:33 UTC
You do what you want to do. She's your child. The fact that you are naming your child after your grandparents is awesome.
Blessed And Highly Favoured
2016-04-15 17:35:34 UTC
its not a bad name but I do think you should pick a name with a meaning. not one that sounds like a nickname
2016-04-14 09:52:01 UTC
It's a great name. It's not made up, and it won't make her not get a job.
2016-04-12 15:53:03 UTC
it sounds like a beautiful name. name your daughter what you want to name her, don't let other people sway your decision
2016-04-13 12:37:01 UTC
I think that's a beautiful name personally. maybe they're just pissy cause they want a baby 😂
2016-04-14 12:00:24 UTC
That's a nice name!

Employers wouldn't mind that name, it's easy to pronounce. It's a common name in the US.

Don't listen to other's opinions, you can't please everyone.
2016-04-14 08:58:14 UTC
I just think it might be pretty dated sounding in the future. It's fine for right now though.
2016-04-13 22:09:35 UTC
Kaylee isnt a made up name, those people need to do their research!
2016-11-04 22:54:01 UTC
Name her Miranda
2016-04-12 11:34:09 UTC
If you're going to raise YOUR kids via popular demand, get rid of it.
2016-04-12 23:25:01 UTC
I think it is a nice. If you like it just don't care about othet people say.
2016-04-12 11:15:30 UTC
i think it's a very lovely name and i would use it and forget what others say about it
2016-04-13 14:33:34 UTC
its a lovely name. Dont take notice of anyone else. Shes your child. Its better than North West!!!
2016-04-13 15:34:43 UTC
Kaylee Anna Cruz is a very nice name! Please take no notice of all the negative answers on yahoo! You call her whatever you want to! And to me, Kaylee Anna Cruz is a lovely name!
2016-04-12 21:03:35 UTC
I do think it's a childish name.
2016-04-13 15:43:47 UTC
Its your daughter so its your choice. You guys get to pick the name not other people.
2016-04-13 15:37:44 UTC
I'm going to tell you what my doctor told me, it's your baby and you give birth to it and raise it therefore it is your choice and no one else's. They will get over it.
2016-04-13 11:21:37 UTC
Kaylee is a great name! It is up to you. Anna is a very popular name too. and the surname suits her just fine.
2016-04-13 08:52:13 UTC
Your child, your choice. Do your own thing and don't be influenced by others.
2016-04-13 19:03:53 UTC
I think you should stick to a more ethnic sounding name but not too complicated, maybe Leanna Catherine Cruz , it sounds beautiful
2016-04-12 16:24:21 UTC
No! I love this name! It's so pretty!!!
2016-04-14 07:53:23 UTC
Kaylee is ok. Employers probably won't give a s**t anyway :)
George bush
2016-04-13 12:20:10 UTC
No name it Donaldia Anna Trump!;)
2016-04-12 19:28:56 UTC
2016-04-14 07:18:40 UTC
Kaylee is a beautiful name.
2016-04-14 12:29:57 UTC
Not a fan of the combo but I love Kaylee!
2016-04-13 15:10:48 UTC
I think it is a pretty name. When she grows up it will be a grown up name.
2016-04-12 14:47:33 UTC
How about Kay Leanna?
2016-04-14 06:19:15 UTC
Give her a name she won't be ashamed off.
2016-04-14 07:58:39 UTC
Is your husband called Kevin
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016-04-14 08:45:50 UTC
I think it's cute nothing wrong with it
2016-05-03 15:47:03 UTC
I think Kaylee is an amazing name! Well, it is my first name :)
2016-04-14 01:37:33 UTC
Kaylee is too common
2016-04-13 11:48:24 UTC
Beatyful name, go for it
2016-04-14 07:41:08 UTC
if it has good nationality w ur name and a nice meaning sure, dont see problems
Hot Dog is Back!
2016-04-12 15:16:09 UTC
How about thunderclap Jane?
2016-04-13 13:24:14 UTC
I don't know
2016-04-12 11:56:18 UTC
it's your child, choose whatever name you like - "won't age well"? who cares - if child wants to change it someday, she can
2016-04-13 17:00:08 UTC
Pretty name.
phyllis s
2016-04-13 13:48:04 UTC
it is a great name. And it honors your grandparents and it will show her how much love you have for them..
2016-04-13 12:58:03 UTC
Any name is ok - The name dosent matter the person does.
Ashley Chandler
2016-04-13 23:23:57 UTC
U name your daughter whatever you please, just by asking anyone this question is the only absurd idea you seem to have. Your child, your life, YOUR CHOICE !+!
2016-04-13 15:41:07 UTC
Its the perfect name
2016-04-12 22:06:07 UTC
2016-04-13 11:49:59 UTC
Name her Grande Panocha Culo............
2016-04-13 23:01:47 UTC
no way it a good name.
2016-04-12 21:22:44 UTC
i really like Kaylee name! who cares what people think!! :))
2016-04-12 23:07:40 UTC
Do what makes you happy.
2016-04-14 00:50:03 UTC
Its good
2016-04-13 23:21:55 UTC
no way thats a good name.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-04-13 10:37:10 UTC
Why do you care what other people think ?
2016-04-15 11:07:29 UTC
I like it.
2016-04-13 18:00:02 UTC
love it
2016-04-13 14:41:10 UTC
Not at all!
2016-04-14 07:20:33 UTC
mishapheart1 h
2016-04-14 04:16:16 UTC
2016-04-14 11:20:57 UTC
i like it !
2016-04-14 12:39:34 UTC
no it is not its actually decent
2016-04-15 09:51:35 UTC
i dare you to name her pee pee
2016-04-13 09:35:47 UTC
not really
2016-04-13 15:14:56 UTC
2016-04-12 21:35:49 UTC
John C
2016-04-12 17:16:09 UTC
2016-04-14 11:03:28 UTC
u wot
Sohag Hasan
2016-04-13 12:58:54 UTC
2016-04-13 09:55:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.