Arden -- For a girl, I give it a 0. Arden, to me, is a boys name. I first heard it as a boys name and it will always be a boys name to me. For a boy, I give it a 10. I love it. It's unique and has a pleasant sound to it.
Ada -- 4/10 -- I usually love old-fashioned names, but not this one. I don't think it has a very appealing sound.
Eden -- 8/10 -- I like it. It's classic, but underused, and quite unusual. I prefer it as a middle name though, as I favour longer first names.
Ruby -- 5/10 -- The name has a very pretty sound to it, and I like the gem association. However, the name is getting quite common, and I don't see it aging well. I can only really picture the name on a teenager and a little girl, and although I can see the name suiting an actress, a singer, a dancer, a model or a girl with a similar type career, I can't really picture it on a doctor, lawyer, or businesswoman. If you're into gem names, can I suggest Opal? I think it's just as beautiful as Ruby, more unique, and -- more importantly -- much more sophisticated. I can definitely picture the name Opal on an adult, and on a woman with any career.
Jade -- 6/10 -- I have the same problem with Jade as I do with Ruby, I don't see it aging very well. However, it's not as common, so I like it a little more. I think this would make a really nice middle name.
Emilia -- 10/10 -- This name is flawless. I absolutely adore it. It's more unique than Amelia, and very beautiful. It also comes with many nick-names, and it's very elegant.
Minnie -- As a full name, I rate it a 0. This is a nick-name, and I don't think nick-names should ever be used as full names. They don't age well and won't be taken seriously in the adult world. This one especially won't, because o fMinnie mouse. As a nick-name, I rate it a 10. It's adorable.
Darcy -- 6/10 -- It's not the most feminine name in the world, but it has a very pleasant sound to it, and is quite unique.