2009-03-31 08:46:31 UTC
and i was given twin boys for it. The story with it(yes i take home 2 dolls) is that I adopted 2 boys from Mexico
so i decided on The names
Joshuah(yes with the 2nd h) Wicho
Jaime Reno
Jaime Luis (pronounced High-me)
but my friend from Mexico argued and said that
Reno = Rain deer
Wicho and luis are the same name. but I choose the name Wicho after the boys brother. and I love the name Luis. I know people around here wouldnt know they were the same name.
I am asking because I get marks for the name also. so we dont end up with names like "Poopie baby" or something like that.
but if the teache doesnt like your names that you picked. then she or the class can change them. Its Not and easy class. so i need all the marks i can get... wot do you think?
also these are names that I really do like.
If i was asked to name a real kid I'd name the Jaime and Joshuah.