Dean I like this name a lot it's handsome and has a cool rough edge
Joel I really dislike the whole george thing it's an ugly name and Joel is cute
Desmond it's more workable than Raymond I dislike both
Jonah I love both so much there both on my favourite name lis/have been but at the moment it's Jonah as Jonah is just delightful especially with the nickname Joe
Leon this is a cool name and sounds cool too
Bennett I love this name it's handsome and Benny is a cool nickname
Nathaniel I like this name a lot it's handsome and elegant with a great masculine edge
Wilson I love this name it features in classic American literature it's great
Riley both are nice names but Riley is really handsome
Conrad I love this compared to Irvan that's awful
Ezra I love this name it's really handsome and sounds very cool and quirky
Davis I dislike both these names but Davis is better
Miles I love this name it's really quirky and handsome
Arthur aw this is adorable!
Joseph I love this name it's the name of my cousin too and Joey is a great nickname
Landon I prefer this too Jason which sounds dated
Clark I prefer this to Aubrey
My favourties are Jonah, Noah & Nathaniel but I loved a lot of these names
My least favourties are Davis, Gavin & George
Hope this helped x