ANNA or Ana
ELLE or Ada
EVE or Emme
AYA or Aja - I pronounce it EYE-a
AVIVA or Asa
Aziza or ARA
MARAM or Awa
Anina or Alla
AZA or Ala
Itati or MAHAM - To me, this was choosing between "a tarty" and "mayhem"
AMA or Ece
ARORA or Havah - eurgh
ALYLA or Afifa
Habibah or LUUL
Axa or ARRA
Neven or ALILA
IZZI or Avva
YANAY or Halah
AMMA or Aisia
IVI or Aidia
Azza or NAN - cute nickname for Nancy
Ireri or EME
Adda or AHSHA - better a misspelling of Asha than a misspelling of Adder
NOON or Anana - both are terrible, but Anana is almost banana
Assa or ALALA - sounds super-childish, but Assa has "***" in it
HALLAH or Lul - I'm saying Lul as LOOL, but it would probably get mispronounced similar to "lol" often
Hawah or HAYAH
NAYAN or Umu - Umu sounds like emu
ASA or Otto - Ace for short
NATAN or Nayan - Nate for short
Nitin or NAMAN
BOB or Neven - nickname Bobby
Ava or EFE - I could never name my poor son Ava
RENNER or Nosson
Hannah or JJ - JJ is purely a nickname, but even a nickname as a full name is better than a girls' name
Anna or ARA - but, but... why the feminine names?
Sahas or RAMAR
Ege or ATA
SABAS or Ana
AZA or Savvas
SIRIS or Nalan
KILIK or Aja
ALA or Ada
NOLON or Reinier
Abba or LAVAL - I pitty the poor child with the name Abba
Nedrordan or SYLYS - I assume Sylys is the same as Silas? Otherwise I choose Nedrorden, with the nickname Ned
BQ: My favourite names for each gender are Hannah and Natan. I also like Eve as a nickname for Evangeline, and Nan as a nickname for Nancy. JJ is good as a masculine nickname, but initials are completely unacceptable as a full name. My least favourite names for each gender are Assa and Ava, Anna, and Hannah.
Please answer mine - character names?