Which Girls name do you like better?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Which Girls name do you like better?
68 answers:
Millie M
2006-11-22 18:51:06 UTC
Wait until you see her. I strongly prefer Ivy. It's classic and unique at the same time; girl next door and elegant, Payton reminds me of Payton Place.
Spaghetti Girl
2006-11-22 18:50:54 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood!!!
2006-11-22 18:48:56 UTC
ivy paige eastwood but remember its all up to you

good luck with the baby girl!
2006-11-22 18:47:03 UTC
ivy is deffinetly cute
2006-11-22 18:39:24 UTC
I think Ivy Paige Eastwood is a very cute name- much more feminine than Payton Leigh

Good luck :)
2006-11-22 18:21:50 UTC
I don't know....I think I like Payton Leigh Eastwood the best. I just cannot go with Ivy...just not my style.

How about Payton Ivy Eastwood?

Only her initials would be PIE...which could cause for teasing if she isn't a size 2 in junior high....

Good luck. I really like Payton.
Carlene Noel
2006-11-22 17:53:19 UTC
Ivy Paige is adorable! Payton sounds too much like a boy (Peyton Mannign) and Leigh (or Lee) is such an overused middle name.
2006-11-22 19:28:46 UTC
ivy paige
chocolate tea
2006-11-22 18:08:29 UTC
Payton Paige is so cute and has a nice ring.
2006-11-22 17:59:28 UTC
Payton Leigh sounds like a boys name....Ivy Paige is better
2006-11-22 18:11:14 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood- I LOOOVVVEEEEE this one.

The other name I like Paige more than Ivy, but whatever u choose ther both beautiful!!! Another trick I hear is to wait to see the baby she may look like an Ivy or a Payton or may not look like either one. I suggest wait until you see her!!! GOOD LUCK :-)!!!!!
2006-11-22 17:51:53 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood
2006-11-22 20:04:57 UTC
Ivy Paige Eastwood
2006-11-22 20:41:21 UTC
Payton Leigh
2006-11-23 02:15:56 UTC
Payton Leigh
2006-11-22 18:42:31 UTC
Payton Leigh
2006-11-23 15:58:02 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood, very cute name
2006-11-23 13:21:55 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood is better
2006-11-22 21:47:40 UTC
I like Ivy Paige Eastwood.
2006-11-23 09:17:21 UTC
i like the name Payton Leigh Eastwood
summer ♥
2006-11-23 21:14:25 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood... but how about payton paige eastwood i think that sounds so cute together... but thats just me :) good luck and congrats!!
2006-11-22 18:37:56 UTC
I do love both names.

But really consider ; when placing that child into school and what can the child get teased about. trust me, that teasing can cause a lot of harm to their confidence levels. thinking about that, I would chose Payton Leigh. Ivy Paige as nice as it is, can be teased and possibly call green sheet.
2006-11-22 17:51:48 UTC
I'd go with Payton Leigh. To me "Ivy Paige" sounds like a set up for lot of teasing once she gets to school.
Sweet Pea
2006-11-22 17:55:06 UTC
Ivy Paige Eastwood is a prettier name. There are not many girls with the name Ivy.
2006-11-22 20:48:06 UTC
I like Payton Leigh.
Queen Queso
2006-11-23 10:00:10 UTC
Ivy, definatley. All of the Ivy's I know are sweet, happy little girls. I don't like Payton at all, and it is a boys name, to me. I know a lot of people name their girls that, but it is a silly trend. I think that the use of that name will decline after Mr. Manning stops playing football.

Ivy Paige is cute, and Ivy is a name that will fit her at all ages.
2006-11-23 02:53:52 UTC
Oh IVY Paige!!!!!!!! When you gave that as an answer yesterday I was talking about it! How wonderful that sounds very distinct. I really love it!!!!! I haven't heard of a name that I just really liked so much! You made me post a question yesterday on names to see what everyone else had. None I like better than yours! I wish I was having a baby! Congratulations, and I wish you a happy healthy daughter!
2006-11-23 09:55:35 UTC
Both of them are lovely but I like Payton Leigh more.
2006-11-22 19:27:37 UTC
I like Payton Leigh. Good luck!
2006-11-22 17:53:12 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood. . das sound good
2006-11-22 19:37:54 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood! Its such a beautiful name. The reason not to pick ivy is before i thought of a gurl, i saw a picture of poisen in my head. People might pick on her or tease her if u pick ivy
2006-11-23 19:40:10 UTC
Payton Leigh is SOOOO pretty! i love it...Ivy Leigh would be cute too.but i dont like Paige. What about the middle name Ida...?
2006-11-23 07:46:33 UTC
both are very cute but i like payton leigh eastwood. however, once you see your baby girl, you'll probably be able to pick one just by looking at her. good luck with the baby =]
2006-11-22 19:58:56 UTC
I love Ivy Paige, that's my vote. I've heard Payton a lot lately and Ivy is a little more uncommon, but a very darling name.
2006-11-23 13:57:12 UTC
I have to go with Ivy paige ... I think payton is a boy name sorry when I think of payton i think of the football player payton manning sorry .. good luck tho
2006-11-22 17:54:32 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood....Ivy reminds me of that movie with psycho nanny or something...Payton is different...Pretty
2006-11-23 03:04:39 UTC
Payton Leigh gets my vote. I think Ivy is an ugly name for a child (i had a white cat named ivy when i was younger)
2006-11-23 00:07:54 UTC
Payton Leigh Eastwood -> are you sure this is even a name for a girl? ... it's YEEEEAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKY

Ivy Paige Eastwood ... That's like a Poison Fragrance or something ... IVY ... Cooooome oooon ... you can get better names than THOSE ;)
Heather M
2006-11-22 17:48:09 UTC
my little girl said she likes Payton Leigh-Good Luck
2006-11-22 18:55:50 UTC
They're both cute, but my favorite would be Payton Leigh. Goodluck
2006-11-23 10:28:10 UTC
Ivy Paige is lovely! I wanted to name my daughter Ivy but my husband vetoed it.

Payton is really not my style at all.
Holly D
2006-11-22 17:49:52 UTC
i like both but i prefer payton leigh, when i read ivy i thought of the plant before i pictured a child, sorry. i think payton is precious. good luck holly
Emily L
2006-11-22 17:48:35 UTC
ivy paige eastwood
2006-11-22 21:18:50 UTC
Ivy Paige...Its a beautiful name.
2006-11-22 20:54:58 UTC
ivy paige eastwood is best i believe
2006-11-23 08:22:33 UTC
my middle names leigh- Rebecca Leigh, so I perfer Peyton Leigh, thats so pretty. I would go with ur instict and see what she looks like when shes born.
2006-11-22 18:13:52 UTC
i think ivy would get teased easily in skel lik when the teacher says'' ivy come here and hand out a paper to everyone'' everybody would say'' eww, it poison ivy. i don't want a sheet from her or him ''i say Payton is kinda a boys name so it depends how you pronost this is for gurl:pay-to-an,pa-ton, or something like that. but not pay-ton.i like Paige better if u pronost as page.i like Leigh if u pronost laya.
2006-11-22 17:51:51 UTC
2006-11-23 00:02:32 UTC
Even though some ppl say Payton sounds boyish..It kinda makes it classic..I always loved those unisex names
NiCoLe i love my Chi cena!
2006-11-22 21:42:32 UTC
I love the name peyton!!!! thats super cute! and its current ivy sounds too much like an old ladies name
2006-11-22 18:36:53 UTC
i like payton's just has a ring to it and sounds soo pretty!! good luck and have fun choosing a name! :)
2006-11-23 03:45:34 UTC
2006-11-22 17:53:19 UTC
Leigh and Pagie
2006-11-22 19:07:50 UTC
i like em both....especially payton and paige, but not together......i'd go with payton leigh
2006-11-23 00:59:44 UTC
I like Ivy
2006-11-22 18:25:03 UTC
i like Payton Leigh and don't put payton and paige together she would be made fun of. (pp get it)
2006-11-22 17:55:33 UTC
I've always thought Ivy was such a pretty name so that gets my vote. (I know too many little boys named Payton, too.)
2006-11-22 18:05:40 UTC
Paton Leigh!! I love it!
2006-11-23 06:42:35 UTC
payton is a boys name ivy is a girl
Olivia B
2006-11-22 19:14:58 UTC
i like both how about ivy leigh?
You Are My Sunshine<333
2006-11-22 18:57:20 UTC
i love the name payton! and congradulations on your baby! i mean i like payton but it is really up to u and your husband but good luck and congradulations♥!
2006-11-22 21:32:40 UTC
Payton , its cute
2006-11-22 19:00:08 UTC
payton leigh..good luck!!!!
Damien C
2006-11-22 17:49:47 UTC
If you can wait until an hour after birth, you will get your way. That's how my wife got me four months ago. But I do like my daughter's name.
2006-11-23 12:51:41 UTC
i like neither(sorry). I named my sister. her name is Quincy Breanne
2006-11-23 16:30:33 UTC
I hate them both.

And don't say "we" are due, that is dumb---YOU are pregnant, he is not.
2006-11-23 16:37:59 UTC
2006-11-23 00:09:26 UTC

Oh please, go with Payton. I love that name...

Hope this helps you............................. :-)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.