Kate Reynolds
- Quite dark haired girl, smart, funny. Really popular. Cascading curls.
Shes beautiful & everyone likes her. Very sweet.
Brandon Kennedy
- Jock. Brown hair, bright blue eyes. He seems like a jerk but deep down
hes really nice if you get on his good side.
Jacelyn Willard
- Seems like she'd be friends with Kate Reynolds. Cute, spunky blonde.
Kind of dumb but very funny and harmless.
Patrick Saxton
- Seems very artistic. He might be a musician, maybe play in a band or be part
of the drama or art club. Has blonde shaggy hair and day dreams a lot.
Lucia Hernandez
- The braniac. Sophisticated & intelligent. She takes advanced classes and
makes very good grades. Wears black rimmed glasses, is blonde and has freckles.
Shes really nice and warm.
Kristie Kinsley
- The "mean girl". She can definitely be a b*tch! Has perfect blonde curls and
always gets what she wants. Shes pretty fake but is nice to only her
group of friends.
Kara Borland
- Fun & flirty red head. Has dark reddish brown straight hair and loves
to make friends and have fun. Shes an average girl who spends her time thinking
about boys.
Casey Sullivan
- Tall & quiet. Sort of the surfer type but hes much more than that.
Hes really shy at first and blushes when he talks to girls. Hes the sweet
type of boy.
Phoebe Sheldon
- Asian, but kind of nerdy. Funny though, she is sort of sporty.
Plays on the volleyball team and stresses about her grades. She worries
way too much.
Travis Gallagher
- Hes kind of cute in a nerdy way. Has trouble getting girls but
is a great friend and hes always there to help every body that needs
Gabe Curtis
- The "bad boy" type. Hes the big motorcycle meat head jock
who bullies around everyone else. Girls tend to fall for him but he
just uses them.
Ryan Hobson
- Seems to be an average guy. Smart and funny.
Has a crush on one of the popular girls, plays basketball.
Alex Taggart
- He has really really good grades. Short dark dark brown hair
and reading glasses.
Falon Ashford
- Blonde cheerleader. Sort of dumb, but really peppy
and spirited. Also very rich.
Whitney Hopkins
- Artsy girl. Loves to paint and draw. She also sings & plays
the piano or violin.
Jack Dalton
- Skinny blonde boy. Falls for every girl he meets.
Still trying to find "THE ONE".
Lesley Hampton
- Loner sort of, emo in a way. Had an eating disorder
and used to cut.
Aubrey Fleming
- Friends with Lesley, trying to help her through.
Kind spirited with a short brown hair cut.