What are some children names that have the meaning ocean/sea?
Sam Lacker
2011-05-18 08:58:23 UTC
My wife and I have always loved to sail and we're expecting our first child! Its a boy and for the first name we're thinking either Jack or Jamie. Since we're such lovers of the sea though we thought it would be nice to give him a middle name after the sea but we don't know any names, so if you know any that have the meaning sea/ocean I would love to know!
Twelve answers:
2011-05-20 18:26:33 UTC

heres more


Cordelia "Of the sea"

Coventina "Water goddess"

Genevieve "White wave"

Jennifer "White wave"

Jenny "White wave"

Jennyfer "White wave"

Jennyver "White wave"

Marella "Shining sea. Variant of Muriel."

Marilla "Shining sea. Variant of Muriel."

Meredith "Protector of the sea"

Morgan "Dweller of the sea"

Morgana "Dweller of the sea"

Morgance "Dweller of the sea"

Morgane "Dweller of the sea"

Muriel "Shining sea"

Ula "Sea jewel"

Una "White wave"


Aerwyna "Friend of the sea"

Beverlee "Beaver stream"

Beverley "Woman from the beaver meadow. Beaver stream."

Beverly "Woman from the beaver meadow. Beaver stream."

Brook "Water; stream"

Brooke "Water; stream"

Brooklyn "Water; stream"

Brooklynn "Water; stream"

Brooklynne "Water; stream"

Diona "From the sacred spring"

Diondra "From the sacred spring"

Dione "From the sacred spring"

Dionna "From the sacred spring"

Dionne "From the sacred spring

Earwine "Friend of the sea"

Earwyn "Friend of the sea"

Earwyna "Friend of the sea"

Eathelin "Noble waterfall"

Eathelyn "Noble waterfall"

Ebba "Flowing tide"

Edlen "Noble waterfall"

Edlin "Noble waterfall"

Edlyn "Noble waterfall"

Erwina "Friend of the sea"

Erwyna "Friend of the sea"

Genna "Variant of Jenny. "White wave"

Genny "Variant of Jenny. "White wave"

Irvetta "Friend of the sea"

Irvette "Friend of the sea"

Lin "Waterfall"

Lyn "Waterfall"

Lynn "Waterfall"

Meriel "Variant of Muriel "shining sea"

Orabel "Beautiful seacoast"

Orabelle "Beautiful seacoast"

Rilletta "Stream"

Rillette "Stream"

Tyna "River"

Tyne "River"

Vivian "In Malory's Mort d'Arthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake"

Viviana "In Malory's Mort d'Arthur Vivien was the Lady of the Lake"

Vivianna "the Lady of the Lake"

Vivianne The Lady of the Lake"


Meri "Sea"


Adreanna "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Adriane "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Adrianna "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Adrianne "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Adriene "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Adrienne "A woman from Adria (the Adriatic sea region). Also means "dark"

Chenelle "Canal; channel"

Delmare "Of the sea"

Fontanne "Fountain; spring"

Genevieve "Of the race of women. White wave"

Riva "From the shore"

Rive "From the shore"

Viviane "Variant of Vivian "The Lady of the Lake"

Vivien "Variant of Vivian "The Lady of the Lake"


Amphitrite "A sea goddess"

Ceto "Goddess of the sea"

Dorea "Of the sea"

Doria "Of the sea"

Dorian "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Doriana "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Dorianna "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Dorianne "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Dorien "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Dorienne "Of the sea. Descendant of Dorus."

Eldoris "Of the sea"

Halimeda "Thinking of the sea"

Lethe "River of oblivion"

Leucothea "A sea nymph"

Leucothia "A sea nymph"

Naida "Water nymph"

Narissa "Sea nymph"

Nereida "Sea nymph"

Nereyda "Sea nymph"

Nerice "From the sea"

Nerida "Sea nymph"

Neried "The sea nymphs"

Nerina "The sea nymphs"

Nerine "The sea nymphs"

Nerissa "From the sea"

Nerita "From the sea"

Nireta "From the sea"

Pelagia "Dweller by the sea"

Scylla "A sea monster"

Styx "A river of the under world"

Tethys "Wife of Oceanus"

Thalassa "From the sea"


Kai "The sea"

Kaia "The sea"

Kailani "Sea and sky"

Lana "Afloat; calm as still waters"

Puakai "Ocean flower, sea blossom"


Adva "Rippling water"

Dalis "Drawing water"

Dalit "Drawing water"

Galit "Fountain"

Moselle "From the water"

Tal "Dew of heaven"

Talia "Dew of heaven"

Talora "Morning's dew"

Talori "Morning's dew"

Talya "Dew of heaven"

Yardenah "From the river Jordan"


Jeevika "Water"

Jharna "A spring"


Assana "Waterfall"

Assane "Waterfall"

Avonmora "From the great river"

Leena "Wet meadow"

Marella "Shining sea. Variant of Muriel."

Marilla "Shining sea. Variant of Muriel."

Morgayne "Medieval form of Welsh "Morcan" meaning "bright sea"

Muiel "Knows the sea"

Muirgheal "Knows the sea"

Murel "Knows the sea"


Geneva "White wave"


Hama "Shore, beach"

Hamako "Child of the shore"

Kishi "Beach, seashore"

Kishiko "Child of the seashore"

Mizuko "Water child (pure character)"

Nagisa "The seashore"

Nami "Surf, wave"

Ran "Water lily"

Shizue "Quiet inlet"

Taura "Many lakes; many rivers."

Umiko "Child of the sea"


Lage "From the sea"

and congrads! another idea is the name of your boat or the boat that it is..or what body of water you love to sail on the most...
2011-05-18 09:38:48 UTC
I think Jack is nicer than Jamie, although I'm not too keen on either!

How about-


Merlin - Sea Fort,

Merrell - Bright as the sea,

Morgen - Sea born

Murdoch - Sea

Murphy - Sea warrior

Murray - Man of the sea,

Caspian - The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world, lying between Russia and Asia..

Dylan - Son of the sea

Edmar - Wealthy sea

Hali - The sea

Kai - The sea

Hurley - Sea tide

Marino - Of the sea

Marvin - Sea friend

Merlin - Sea fortress

Orman - Sea man

Zale - Sea strength

Hope I helped, good luck!
2011-05-18 09:08:12 UTC
There was a baby born on the Mayflower when the pilgrims came to America. The baby was a boy and was named Oceanus. He was named this because he was born on the ocean. He was the son of a man named Stephen Hopkins.
2016-02-27 04:25:33 UTC
I know you don't want any more "m" names, but I much prefer Marine to Marinelle. Now for the rest: Keilani - Hawaiian for "sea and sky" Pela - Greek for "of the sea" Aramoana - Maori for "pathway to the ocean" Océane - French for "the ocean" Romy - Latin for "sea dew" Ennis - Gaelic for "island" Whitney - English for "white island" Amphitrite - Greek goddess of the sea Brizo - Greek goddess of sailors Calliste - a Greek sea nymph Doris - Greek goddess of the sea's bounty I know some of these are a bit of a stretch, but hopefully it gave you some ideas =)
2011-05-18 09:07:13 UTC
i know more girls than boys

troy is gaelic for water!!

hallie means thinkingof the water!

sachiel means angel of water

morgan- sea born

murray-sea man

dylan is welsh and means lord of the sea!( I LOVE DYLAN)
2011-05-18 09:02:04 UTC
Dylan means 'son of the sea'
2011-05-18 09:13:26 UTC
Douglas - black water.

Kyle - strait of water.

Morgan - sea born.

Murdoch - sea

Murphy - sea warrior.

Murray - man of the sea.

Seaborn - born at sea

Cahn/Kahn - small boat
2011-05-18 09:10:01 UTC
poseidon! joke :)

adrian, dylan, eric, kay, alamar

for future reference when you're expecting a baby girl - Marina (star of the sea)
2011-05-18 09:07:20 UTC

This is a link to a girl on youtube who does all things baby names lol, this link is water names and she has a ton of other videos with all types of baby names, hope this helps you it can be difficult to pick baby names haha good luck!

Congratulations on your new baby too! Best of luck :) x
2011-05-18 09:04:14 UTC
SAGAR - It means Ocean: Origin - India

Name him/her that way its gonna be unique in your community as well.
2011-05-18 09:18:16 UTC
i just plainly love the name ocean or oceane
2011-05-18 09:14:11 UTC
Darrien ... glimpsing the Pacific Ocean for the first time "silent, upon a peak in Darien" ... [6]

Jaladhi ... "Ocean." [3]

Pacifico ... from which the name of the Pacific Ocean is derived. [1]

Adrian ... which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea ... [27]

Aegeus ... he threw himself into the sea near Athens ... [2]

Ahab ... the mad sea captain in Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick".

Alamar ... Spanish name that also means "to the sea" or "get closer to the sea" in Spanish ... [1]

Albion ... May derive from the Latin "albus" referring to the whiteness of cliffs seen from the sea ...

Almarine ... Not related to the sea. [2]

Alta ... thousands of feet above sea level. [2]

Ammon ... Also a place name for a country northeast of the Dead Sea ... [2]

Antaeus ... Greek mythology: son of the Earth and the Sea ... [3]

Bligh ... but due to the fame of English sea captain William Bligh ... [1]

Caspian Place name: the Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world ...

Danube ... and into the Black Sea. [1]

Dee ... Place name: a significant river that runs into the North Sea at Aberdeen.

Delmar ... "Of the sea." ... [3]

Dylan ... "Son of the sea." ... [6]

Edmar ... "Wealthy sea."

Elmo ... The electrical phenomenon sometimes seen in the rigging of ships at sea is called Saint Elmo's fire ... [1]

Eric ... Scandinavian legend relates that the Viking sea rover Ericson (son of Eric the Red) landed on the shores of America 500 years before Christopher Columbus ... [19]

Ervin ... Variant of Irving (Old English) "sea friend". [1]

Erving Variant of Irving (Old English) "sea friend" ... [1]

Finbar ... One tale tells of Saint Finbar crossing the Irish Sea on horseback ... [7]

Gannet ... A sea bird that lives on cliffs and rocks. [1]

Hali ... "The sea."

Havelock ... "Sea competition." ...

Hurley ... "Sea tide." [3]

Kai ... Kai is also a Hawaiian name meaning "the sea". [3]

Leomaris ... "Lion of the sea." ...

Marino ... "Of the sea." ... [5]

Mario ... From Marius. Also used as masculine form of Mary (Latin) "star of the sea" and variant of Mark ... [3]

Marion ... Variant of Mary (Latin) "star of the sea" ... [1]

Marvin ... "Sea friend." ... That name means "sea fortress" ... [11]

Meredith ... Also possibly "sea lord" ... [3]

Merlin ... "Sea fortress." ... [7]

Merrill ... "Sparkling sea." ... [6]

Merritt ... Also possibly "little renowned one" or derived from Mary (Latin) "star of the sea". [3]

Mervin ... "Sea friend." Also possibly "sea hill" ... [8]

Moab ... Biblical: name of the plateau east of the Dead Sea in Genesis ...

Morgan ... "Circling sea." Also possibly (Welsh) "great brightness" or (Old English) "bright or white sea dweller" ... [3]

Mortimer ... "Dead sea." ... [3]

Murdock ... "Sea." ... [4]

Muriel ... "Sparkling sea."

Murphy ... "Sea warrior." [6]

Murrow ... "Sea warrior." ... [4]

Naylor ... Possibly (Old English) "sea" or an occupational name referring to a carpenter or "nailer". [2]

Nemo ... Literary name: the captain in Jules Verne's adventure novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".

Neptune Mythology name: Roman god of the sea.

Nereus ... Mythology: Nereus was the old man of the sea ... father of the sea nymphs, the Nereids. [1]

Njord ... Norse mythology: the god of sea ...

Orman ... "Sea man; spear man." [1]

Pelagios ... "Of the sea." [2]

Perseus ... He killed the Medusa and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster ...

Poseidon ... Mythology: the sea god ...

Salton ... Place name. There is a Salton Sea in southern California.

Seabert ... "Shining sea." [3]

Seabrook ... "Stream near the sea." ... [1]

Seabury ... "Settlement near the sea." ...

Seaton ... "Town by the sea." ... [2]

Seger ... "Sea fighter." ... [3]

Seton ... "Sea settlement." ...

Seward ... "Sea guardian; victory guardian." ... [2]

Sewell ... "Sea strong." [2]

Theseus ... who gave his name to the Aegean Sea around Greece ...

Zale ... "Sea-strength." [1]

Thats all i could find sorry its so long hope i helped

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