I LOVE Christian names. My sons will be Malachi and Elijah! :-) Manasess Judah I Love it is very unique. I would even choose Judah as the first name. I don't really care for the names Halleluah, she would definitely be teased, and to be honest it does seem a bit tacky. There are a lot of biblical/Christian names for girls you can choose, how about...
Ruth- book of the Bible
Esther- Book of the Bible
Angel/Angela- God's Messenger
Bethany-the House of song. And this is where Jesus ascended into Heaven after His resurrection
Bethel-The House of GOD
Deborah- great judge in the OT
Dinah- Great female judge in the OT
Eve- obvious who she is :-)
Leah or Rachel= Wives of Jacob
Mary- Obvious again
Michal= one who resembles God
Naomi- She is in the book of Ruth, I'm sorry I forgot her role it's been to long! =(
Ophrah- great Judge in the Book of Judges
Talitha- used in the Gospel of Mark. Means Great Young Woman
Abiel- means My Father is God
Abigail- The Father is Joyful
Aednah (pronounced Edna) This is the feminine version of Eden as in the Garden of Eden
Amariah- Yahweh Says
Elizabeth-God of the Covenant. Also Mary's cousin
Gabriella- feminine of Gabriel as in the Angel Gabriel
Genesis- 1st book of the Bible. Also means the Beginning
Grace- A gift from GOD or God's forgiveness
Hannah- gracious gift from God
Joanna- Gift from Yahweh
Jordan- Descent. Also the river where Jesus was baptised
Judith- PRAISE!
Katharine- Pure This name is based on the Bible word "katharos" which means "pure." It is used many times in the NT
Michaiah/Micah/Micaiah- One who is like Yahweh
Moriah- Seen by Yahweh