It really depends a lot on the genre and period the characters are set and their individual personalities,not to mention, what is their relationship status-friends,crushes,siblings,cusions,strangers?????
Some names I like,sticking to a generic casting of names,I always feel the main characters have to have catchy names,maybe with cute nicknames to be used when neccessary.
Guys have to have strong masculine names or sounds to them, and girls must have a more feminine twist,depending on your characters traits that is ).
Both first and last names must flow and go well together,especially if the two main characters are to end up together or are related.
These of course are just my opinions :-)
Craig Holdan-Cray
Abraham Fletcher-Abe/Fletch
Bernard Foster-Bernie
Charles Compton-Charlie
Dillon Pritchard-Dill
Evan Stewart-Van/Stew/Arty
Flynn Jacobson-Jake
Graham Buckley-Gray/Buck
Henry Wallace-Harry
Ivan Rian- Van/Rye/Ian
Jasper Turner-Jas
Keith Wentworth-Keye
Leonardo Bolton-Leo/Leonard/Lenard
Markus Blakely-Mark/Blake
Nicholas Matthews-Nick/Nico/Matt/Matthew
Oscar William-Ozzy/Will/Liam
Patrick O'Hara-Pat/Pattie/Rick/Ricky
Quinn Greyson-Grey
Ross Yorke-Yorkie
Samuel Davis-Sam/Sammie/Dave
Trenton Lewis-Trent/Lew
Verona Edward-Vero/Ron/Ed/Eddie
Wade Hudson-Hud
Xaviar Murphy-Xav/Avia/Murph
Zeke Robertson-Zee/Rob/Robbie/Robert/Bob/Bobby
Zack Jamerson-Jam/Jamie/Jamer/Ames
Erika Talor-Rika/Tay
Alice Leeds-Ali/Lee
Bethenny Donovan-Beth/Bethie/Don/Van/Henny
Cassidy Thymes-Cass/Cassie/Casey
Dalia-Rose Mathers-Dal/Dali/Lia/Roe/Mat
Ellie Skyes-Elle/Lee/Sky
Freya Stevens-Fray/Reya/Stevie
Gianna Rhiley-Gia/Gina/Ann/Anna/Rye/Lee
Hannah Ashton-Ann/Anna/Ash
Isla Sutton-Eye
Janet Walker-Jan/Jane/Net/Anet
Kellie Barnes-Kel/Lee
Lina Cooper-Lee/Lyn/Coop
Macie Silver-Mac/Mace/Ace/Silva
Noni Zion-Nee/Zee
Olivia Preston-Olly/Liv/Livia/Livie/Pressy
Peyton Wilson-Pey/Wil
Quynn Sascha-Sash/Ash/Asha
Rebecca Hurdle-Beck/Beckie/Becca
Sonja Anderson-Andi
Tilly Charleston-Till/Charles/Charlie/Char
Violetta Dawson-Viola/Vye/Violet/Lette/Lettie/Dawe
Willow Mosely-Will/Sely
Xana Taite-Ana/Ann/Tay
Zelda Paige-Zellie/Elle/Paige/Pay
Hope this helps :-)