• Elania - people would probably mispronounce it all the time and call her Elaina. Spelling suggestions: Elonia, Elonya.
• Alania - I like it better than Elania, I don't like either name. It's just not my style, Spelling is great though.
Essyah - hate it, I would be embarrassed to have that name, just, no. Suggestions: Essia.
Esraya - hate it. Just like above. I would change the spelling to Esraia.
Essiyah - hate it, just like above. I would remove the H and spell is Essiya, or even better, Essia
Elaya - don't like it but it's way better than the ones above. Prefer Eliya, or Elia
Alaya - same as above. Alaia is 199x better spelling.
Emalaya - Reminds me of the Himalayas haha.
Essriah - the "correct" pronunciation of this name would be Ess-RYE-ah. I would change the spelling to Esria, Essria, or Essriya
Leeana - this isn't original. Just a different spelling of Leanna, love it better than all the others. I would spell it correctly; Leanna, or Leana, or Liana.
Eliana - this isn't original, I know people with this name. But I like it a lot, spelling stays.
Clariyah - hate it. How could you like these names? And drop the unnecessary H! Clariya, Claria, Clarea are way better spellings.
Ettiah - drop the h, Ettia is 109% better.
Etiana -sounds very ghetto. But at least the spelling is decent.
Emiana - ghetto. Same as above