2012-08-20 07:29:41 UTC
Jude, Johnsy, Joel, or Sonny?
2) What do you think of this name?;
Astrid Joy
3) What is a good middle name for this name?;
4) What is a good FULL NAME for the nickname "Nikki"?;
Choice 1-Nicole (or spelled Nikole or Nikol?)
Choice 2- Nicolet (or spelled Nikolet?)
Choice 3- Nicola (or Nikola?)
Choice 4- a suggestion for a different name along the same lines
5) Which do you choose?;
Choice 1-Madeline (pronounced Mad-e-lin or Mad-e-line?)
Choice 2- Madelina
Choice 3- a suggestion for a different name along the same lines
6) Which twin set do you like better?;
Choice 1- Paige Madeline & Nicole Amanda
Choice 2- Paige Amanda & Nicole Madeline
7) What do you think of this dog name for a papillon?;
8) What do you think of this name for a black cat?;
Salem (from Sabrina the teenage witch)
9) Do you think this name fits better for a dog or a cat?
Thanks in advance :D