I LOVE Amy and Mia for the girls, Zoe is cute, too!
For the boys I like Luc (much better than Luke, to me, and Tom, though I like it only as a nickname for Thomas)
Other names I've heard of are:
Bee -My cousin! It's her middle name.
Kia -My other cousin's middle name!
Ali -a movie, which was it? Can't remember!
Flo -Dinner Dash, lol! the waitress is Flo. Also my cousin's friend is Flo, I think, but well, Flo is Dinner Dash to me.
Isa -I guess it comes from Isabella, but my aunt's niece (not my cousin) is just Isa.
Ivy -know many
Lou- My niece is Annalise Lou. (not Loo, but Loh-ooh)
May -several times as a middle name.
Oda and Ota-Saw them on a question here in Yahoo Answers, somebody was asking for opinions of them as middle names, for the name Fay.
Fay- Above.
Roy -I guess it is for boys, but a girl at school is Roy, it isn't ugly, and I like it on her, she is not man-y at all, on the contrary.
Rya- MTV Sweet Sixteens UK, Rya, or Ria, I can't remember!
Tea -My sister's middle name, it is pronounced Teh-ah, not teeah.
Lia- don't like it at all! Leah is so much better! saw it as a middle name!
Aly (I know it is really Ally, but I've met this girl who was just Aly)
Ana (In Spanish it is like that and I've met two women who were called like this)
Dae -I am not sure, in a party a friend presented a 'Dae' to me, and her facebook is Dae Swan, but I am not sure if it was a nickname, I think it isn't but it is a little weird...
Nat -Saw it on a girl, well actually a woman, my dancing teacher, Nat was her full name, her mom was Natalie and not to make it the same she was just Nat.
Pam -Saw it as a short way of Pamella many times, as a full name only twice. I think it is cute!
Ema -My Spanish teacher. Ema Sophia
Mae -saw it a thousand times as a middle name!
Sun -my sister's bff, she goes by Sol (sun in Spanish).
Sol -My bff's cousin, but I guess it is Spanish? If this one counts, I also know a 'Luz' (Loos), Light.
Eva, or Evy - (ehvah, or eevee)
Lyn - Prefer Lyn, but one of my teachers is Lyn.
Kat- Katty as a nickname. (KAHT, or KAHTEE, not kate)
Sue -pretty normal
Pat -normal, too. Can be also used on a boy.
Kim -many girls are called Kim, Kim Possible, remember?
Kay -Can't remember the movie in which the guy was Kay...
Nik -My cousin's bf is just called James (Jaimie) Nik Stewart.
Tay -Got a friend who's called Taylor Tay, I know it is weird, and a Tay Federick.
Edd -Cartoon Networks? Ed, Edd and Eddy?
Edy - My dad's friend, I personally dont like it!
Sky -Mamma Mia? Sophie's boyfriend.
Pat -also suitable for boys, as well as:
Jim -my cousin!
Tim - my sister's cousin.
Bob -Sponge Bob Square Pants, and I know lots of Bobs.
Sam -Sam Uley? And lots of many other Sams!
Jay -Um, is this a name? I think it is a nickname, but I am not sure. This guy is 'Jay' and he goes by Jay-Jay, so I guess Jay is the name, but well...
Doc -don't like it, reminds me of Doctor, but a boy in my class was Doc.
Jon -read it, John is much better in my opinion.
Ron -Harry Potter and many othrers
Con -Guess it is the short for Connor but I saw it as a name, too.
Lee -Read it in Twilight, only.
Moe -First thought, Simpsons. Then, my ex-bf, from long ago, of course, I am married now.
Rod -Like it better written Rodd, but none of them is good, to me.
Ted - I always think of Teddy Bear, but well, it IS a name.
Zed- yeah, ew.
Ray - from raymond or really just like that? idk!
Don - an EX friend of mine, I've realized with time he actually isn't one.
Mat -I personally prefer Matt as a name and Mat as nickname for Mathew or Mateo, my kid-to-be!
Hope I helped! and please choose me!