Keane \
ke(a)-ne\ as a boy's name is pronounced keen. It is of Irish, Gaelic and Old English origin, and the meaning of Keane is "fighter; sharp, keen wit or eye". Actor Edmund Kean.
Keane has 4 variant forms: Kean, Keen, Keene and Keyne.
For more information, see also related names Keenan, Cian and Kane.
Baby names that sound like Keane are Keanu, Kaine, Kian, Gene, Kana, Kayne, Kano, Ken, Kenny, Kennie, Kenney, Kenn, Keon, Keoni, Khanh and Khan.
View a list of the 4 names that reference Keane.
Its' cute and it wwill suit your baby well if you have that "feeling"