Nice male names: Dylan, Antonio, John, Romeo
James, Josh, Riley, Danny,
Brian, Kyle, Johnny, Clark, Peter, Adam
Nice female names: Angel, Angelica, Ayre (The most unique name yet), Jeanette, Julienne, Mary, Sarah
I don't care if you don't agree with me, its not my place to judge, Cali sounds great, but doesn't go with Marie, Riley sounds okay but its more common around dudes, but Jane is great, Willow ? You might want to rethink that, its nice to name someone after an element of nature but thats just..... Try Ayre, its like "air", her name would be oh so calming. Sage ? Hell no !
-These are based on MY opinions, its your place to judge, not mine and if ever you DO name him/her after any of the given I've typed, don't feel bad about it, their names are beautiful-