Question 1:
What would you name these people?
Mom and Dad:… = Jessica and Adam
12 Year Old Twins:… = Katie (Left) and Bella (Right)
11 Year Old Brother:… = Brayden
9 Year Old Triplets:… = (Brown Hair) Pete, (Girl) Izzie, (Blond) Alex
6 Year Old Girl:… = Annie
Question 2:
What Do You think these people look like, and act like?
Christa Kate - A little bit snobby, shops at Ambercrombie and Fitch and Hollister, popular, dirty blond, brown eyes
Taylor MacKenzie- Plays soccer, a couple good friends, gets A's and B's on report cards, happy go lucky, black straight hair and brown eyes
Gretchen Julia- Plays acoustic guitar, laughs alot, likes country and pop music, guys love her
Tori Paige, brown braided hair, green eyes, overweight, weird, likes alternative music, has a green iPod with 20 songs on it, loves music, wants to be in the Military
Madison Nicole- Has a southern accent, bad at math, blond hair, blue eyes, wears glasses, loves people and werewolves
Elizabeth Morgan- Messy brown hair, blue eyes, gets straight A's, has 2 good friends, plays the flute and vollyball, loves reading books, has a poodle named Yolanda (she carries pictures of her), lesbian
Hannah Nicole- Likes Fall Out Boy and Demi Lovato, lies alot, flirts with guys, always wearing a Hollister shirt, likes accessories,carries her Gucci purse everywhere, black hair brown eyes,
Hunter Hogan- Likes Halo games, has a lego collection, single and loving it, loves country music, bald, loves computers, skinny
Evan Graham- Sensitive, likes alternative/metal and screamo, plays both types of guitar, got dumped 2 times, can be depressed, likes hugging, doesnt talk much, blue eyes and black fringe
Blake Andrew- Has a sister named Katilyn, loves women, likes kissing girls, plays World of Warcraft, likes money, blond hair green eyes, likes hiphop and classic rock, knows how to do the Salsa, muscular
Jacob Robert- Walks with his girlfriend 24/7, hates school, breakdances, goes to clubs every other day, snobby, show offs, brown hair, brown eyes
Andrew Ryan- A little crazy, talks to himself, has no friends, loves school, likes techno, writes short stories, works at Pizza Hut
Brett Robert, Gay, shops at expensive stores, paints still life, skinny, hates groccery shopping, wears watches all the time, wears contacts that make his eyes purple, blond hair originally blue eyes
Jaison Parker- Likes Disney Channel and Nickelodeon, doesnt like dating people, plays piano and sings pop music, likes plaid and stripes, doesnt like the latest trends
Question 3:
What is a good middle name for the names....
Krogan Ryce
Brody Peter
Lynnzi Brooke
Carlie Anne
Jaysin Clark
Tinlie (Girl: Gretchen) (Boy: Howard)