2010-12-24 10:28:00 UTC
You and your husband A)_____ get back from your honeymoon in B)_____ and buy your first house. C) What does it look like?
1) You get pregnant with a baby girl very quickly. Your mom just recently passed so your daughters middle name is her name.
2) When your daughter is 2 you get pregnant with a little boy. His first names is anything, but his middle name is a character from a Disney movie.
3) 5 years later, and you are desperately trying for another child. Nothing works so you try IVF. Ar a couple of goes you get pregnant with triplets, 2 girls and a boy. There first names are anything, but all of their middle names are celebrites that are very popular in the news today.
4) Your kids are now 4, 10, and 12. When your husband comes back from a very long buisness trip it doesn't take long for you to figure out that he was really visiting his girlfriend. You also find out that the girlfriend just gave birth to a boy. You divorce your husband quickly. What is the girlfriends name, and what is her son's name?
5) Very quickly you start dating and a few months later you get married to the man. He has an 8 year old son and a 2 year old daughter from a previous marriage. What are his childrens names, where do you get married, and what is his name?
6) You get pregnant with a baby girl! Her first name is the name of your first name, and her middle name is an Italian name.
7) The house that you are living in with your husband is way to small! Where do you move to???
8) Your children are now 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15. In a last minute attempt to get pregnant you do IVF again. This time you get pregnant with quads!(4 kids!) There genders, and names are anything!
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