I'm pretty keen on normal (your kid's name won't be mispelled all their life) names.
BriKaysha - Very ethnic, i like it, 8/10
Brianna - the average version of above, 8/10
Alexzandrea - i think the "x" makes the "z" sound here, 4/10
Kara - I prefer this one with a "C" 6
Bianca - Means White, love that 7
Leigha- this will constantly be misspelled, 6
Layla - 7
Kayla - 8
Jayla - 4, you're reaching
Mya - I like it Mia, 7
TaDaija - Sound Indian ethnic, but very pretty 7
Marrise - 3, where'd that come out of?
Paris - 6
Darica - is that with a "K" or "S" sound? 4-6
ShaZxca - I hope that's a misspelling 2
Lauren - 5, a little dated
Domenic - I like it for a boy, but for a girl 3
Melissa - 9, I love this one, it means honeybee
Samantha - 7, a little overused reciently
Raven - 9, i love this too
Dezzera - do you mean Desiree? I like that one, but not the spelling
Tamara - the perfect way to name your kid Tammy 4
Brenda - 6, dated, but nice
Brittney - I'm over this name, 5
Mellisa - This is an alternate spelling of a previous name
Monica - 9 LOVE it
Alliyah- Nice religous name, almost like Sarah is to Hebrew. 8