Jezel Adriana fits. I love the name Gracelyn Giselle ... Maybe Jezel Grace? Although it would be cute for her name to be your son's initials switched so something with an I. If our son was a girl she was going to be Irelyn Jazelle. Jezel Irelyn?
Some of the names on my favorite's go as well...
Jezel Aaralyn (AIR-a-lin) - American: "With song"
Jezel Caprice (ka-PREESE) - French: "whimsical, unpredictable"
Jezel Harper - English: "Harpist, minstrel"
Jezel Irelyn (Ireland)- American: "Homage To Ireland"
Jezel Jaelee - American: "Happy meadow"
Jezel Jacee - American: "The Flower"
Jezel Kalyn (KAY-lin) American: "Rejoicer by the waterfall"
Jezel Kenzington - Scottish: "The fair one"
Jezel Makenna - Scottish: "Ascend"
Jezel Makailyn - American: "Pure"
Jezel Olivia - Form of Olga - Russian: "Holy"
Jezel Presley - English: "Priest's meadow"
Jezel Saelee - American: "Blessed"
Jezel Avery - German: "noble; bearlike"
Jezel Dai - Japanese: "Great"
Jezel Kali (KAH-lee) - Sanskrit: "Black"
Jezel Kiran (keer-an) Hindi: "ray of light"
Jezel Kole - Greek: "Victorious people"
Jezel Laine - English: "Path"
Jezel Rayne (Rain) - Scandinavian: "Mighty"
Jezel Reese - Welsh: "Enthusiasm"
Jezel Shea - Gaelic: "Admirable"
Jezel Skye - Arabic: "Water giver"
My Fav is Jezel Caprice.
Good Luck & God Bless! & CONGRATS!!!