How Soon after I give birth am I required to have a name for her?
2006-11-14 23:15:48 UTC
I'm due in a week (which I don't think I'll make it to). My problem is I havent picked out a name for my baby. We've called her peanut since before we knew she was a girl. I feel like I am under so much pressure to have a name picked out before I go into labor. But I really don't want to pick a name out untill I get a chance to spend time with her. I have a list to choose from but My husband isn't helping. I want him to be a part of this process but I really feel like I'm not getting any real feedback from him. Other than one name that I'm not exactly in love with & I think that I will know when the name is perfect...... So my question is...... If I don't have a name for her after I give birth, how long do I have before I have to put something on the birth certificate? Does it depend on the hospital?
53 answers:
2006-11-15 02:19:15 UTC
In the US, as far as I'm aware, they don't actually require you to pick a name. The hospitals may try to make you stay until you pick a name, but they cannot legally force you to stay, even if they pretend they can. If you don't pick a name by the time you (or the hospital) have filed for a birth certificate, the child goes on file as Baby Girl (your last name), e.g. Baby Girl Bloggs. Some states use Female Bloggs instead. To get this changed, you'll then have to apply to the courts for a name change. That costs money*, so I suggest you pick a nice name you think you can live with, and put it on the birth certificate. You may end up liking it, and if you don't, you can go get that name change anyway. Anything's better than Female Bloggs. Though I do know one woman who suffered this dilemma - her parents never chose a name for her, so her name was always listed as Female. She pronounces it "fe-MAH-lee". LOL

*I just checked this out. Apparently some states give you a grace period in which you can name your baby officially without having to pay for the name-change. The length of the grace period varies from state to state. Some don't give you one at all, while some allow you years. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
2016-10-04 03:43:04 UTC
attempt a style of: one million. Ella 2. Ava 3. Grace 4. Lolita 5. Emma 6. Elizabeth 7. Genevieve 8. Aurora 9. Isabella 10. Bella 11. Charlotte 12. Lily 13. Saria 14. Sookie 15. Leighton sixteen. Sasha 17. Olivia 18. Chloe 19. Sophia 20. Amelia 21. Rory 22. Sook 23. Sarah 24. Lorelei 25. Mia 26. Emily 27. Belle 28. Madeline 29. Abigail 30. Caroline 31. Madison 32. Anna 33. Claire 34. Jennifer 35. Ruby 36. Madeleine 37. Jade 38. Ellie 39. Sienna 40. Opal 40-one. Natalie 40 two. Hannah 40 3. Miley 40 4. Leah 40 5. Mary 40 six. Rachel 40 seven. Millie 40 8. Alice 40 9. Kate 50. Rose
2006-11-15 18:31:55 UTC
In Australia you need to have all the forms filled in within a month.

With our little boy we named him Daniel at about 4 months into the pregnancy when he was born there was no doubt that it suited him.

I can understand that you want to see the bub before deciding 'who' he/she will be known as. I guess you could pick 4 or 5 favourite names and choose one in the delivery suite...

Our little Dan the Man is now 18 months old and I couldnt imagine him having any other name...! He is a Daniel through and through!!

Our experience kinda questions the whole wait till you meet bub approach... your son will be who you name him regardless of when you name him. There is no escaping that.
2006-11-15 07:53:19 UTC
It might be before you leave the hospital- because I think they also assign social security numbers at birth now. I don't think the hospitals would set the rules, likely the county, or state. I'm sure you have names set aside that you like, and once you meet your new girl, I'm sure the perfect name will come from one of those pretty quickly. Maybe you could contact your county court house and see if they can advise you- or where ever birth certs are filed. One of my mother's friends needed her birth cert as an adult to get a passport, and was amazed to learn hers was filed as "GIRL SMITH" because her parents didn't decide on a name right away. They may not do that any more but poor Helen was sure suprised.
Lori R
2006-11-15 15:21:22 UTC
Here in Oklahoma you cant leave the hospital until you pick the name, since you have to enter one on the birth cert and it has to be done before you leave I am pretty sure it depends on the state and not the hospital
2006-11-16 16:43:31 UTC
I think it is by time you leave the hospital after giving birth. My bestfriend just had a baby and wasnt even close on deciding what to name him until a few moments before she left the hospital. It saves hassel and aggrivation so they don't lose any records of your baby's prints or pictures etc.
Who Me?
2006-11-15 18:24:39 UTC
My hospital had me filling out paper work with his name on it while I was in labor. But my aunt took days to name her son. They just have to have something before you leave the hospital. I would like to be able to see the next one before I name it. Because I may change my mind.

And as far as your husband not helping, I wish my husband didn't want as much input on our son's name because we ended up compromising and I don't really care for his middle name
2006-11-15 17:34:07 UTC
Most hospitals will not let you take the baby home till the birth certificate is filled out----name and all. There are those parents who would never get around to it.
summer ♥
2006-11-15 12:36:31 UTC
I have two children, and they were both born in different hospitals, and they usually give you all the paperwork to fill out at least a good 6 or 7 hours or so after you had the baby, they try to give you time to relax and enjoy the baby, but you have to fill it out before you leave the hospital, this way they can give you, your paperwork that you need for your child's birth certificate, social security card, etc.

when you get there, after they hand you the paperwork, ask them how long you have to fill it out, and they will tell you, they don't hassle you about it or anything, but i just know it needs to be done before you leave... good luck, and PS once you look at your little bundle of joy you will know what her name will be. congrats and good luck again :)
2006-11-15 00:01:16 UTC
It would depend on the hospital's regulations. Some cultures, such as those overseas, don't require that a name be given immediately. I'm with at least meet her before deciding. The hospitals here in Oregon seem to want a name on the birth certificate before you leave. Relax and enjoy the rest of your time. Her name will come to you. Be well.
2006-11-15 06:22:13 UTC
I think when it's time to fill out the birth certificate which for me was the next day after i had my daughter they brought me the paperwork but if your not ready by then you can always tell them to come back they cant force you to make up your mind right then and there but your baby's birth certificate needs to be filled out before you leave the hospital so your baby has to have a name before you leave.
2006-11-15 01:02:03 UTC
In Australia you have roughly a month from the date of birth to submit the birth certificate.

If you have been looking at names and just haven't decided on one, it might surprise you when your daughter is placed on your breast and in an instant you know 'who' she is.....

I had a few names for my son before he was born, but didn't name him till I had a good look at him and saw what name fitted his face the best.
2006-11-15 19:26:21 UTC
I think you have to name the baby before you are discharged from the hospital...and I agree with you, you really want to meet the child before deciding on the name. I thought I was having a Sally Susannah, but lo and behold, it was Elizabeth!

best wishes,

2006-11-16 23:44:05 UTC
I was asked within the first 24 hours, I would assume you would have to name the child before leaving the hospital.
Amanda M
2006-11-15 17:32:44 UTC
Honestly, I didn't do my paperwork ,including the birth certificate form, until discharge. But it was way chaotic so do what you can before you have to leave. The always refered to my son as baby Mc...... My last name, so I would guess that it doesn't matter until you leave or attempt to file with the IRS.
2006-11-14 23:29:05 UTC
Well, when I had my daughter the lady that does the birth certificates came into my room until I named her. But I saw on the news back last fall, a family that didn't have a name for their baby so they just called her " Baby Doe" ( they used their last name) and they didn't name that child until that little girl named herself.
2006-11-17 21:20:10 UTC
Within the days that you leave the hospital so you better think quick if youre expecting soon. But if you cant find a name try to see meanings of names you like.
2006-11-15 09:31:21 UTC
My husband was the same way with the names. I would just start saying things like "Oh, I like blah,blah" and then wait for a reaction. Nothing meant middle ground, could work with it. There were a few "Hell No's" and then once in a while I would get a "Like that one". Just start your own list and then start putting the names together. Do you want to stick with family names? If so (for example) list the ones you like and see if they can be combined in any pretty way. With our last child we could NOT decide on a girls name (this was back before ultrasounds and we did not know whether it was a boy or girl) and one day our oldest son came home and looked me right in the eye and said "You hare having my sister and her name is going to be Stefanie" -- we both loved it (I changed the spelling) and then he just allowed me to choose a middle name.
2006-11-15 07:47:35 UTC
You definitely have to have her name picked out before you leave the hospital. This way they can submit all of the paperwork. Before you leave the hospital, make sure they have your daughter's name spelled correctly on the typed copy of the birth certificate. Sometimes they misspell the name and then you have to get a name change in order for it to be spelled correctly.
2006-11-16 10:19:53 UTC
Actuall you and your husband should go to

look in there and see if any names will be perfect for you!! You might want to call the hospital and see what their regulations are and don't stess every new mother goes through this.

Which ever name you pick, the name will be special...good luck!!!
2006-11-15 10:23:09 UTC
We didn't name our son until the third day i was in the hospital. he was in NICU and i was scared to name him. But man are they pushy!!!! So, finally we gave them a name. I wish i woulnd't have felt so much pressure. But i'm guessing before you leave the hospital they will hound you until you do.

I think they expect one before the baby even comes out of the shute. It's crazy!! What ever happened of waiting until you actually saw your baby first??? I got weird looks from a lot of parents in the NICU because my baby wasn't named immediately and he was callled "baby smith" or "baby jones" (insert last name) So, take your time and DON"T feel pressured!! My husband wasn't much input until the last minute either. Then we compromised.
2006-11-14 23:25:21 UTC
I was in the hospital for 48hrs. after my daughter's birth, but after 24 hrs. is when they brought in all the paper work for my hubby and I to fill out and the name we had chose had to go on those papers before we left. I would ask the hospital when you arrive about it, because not all places are the same. You never know you may have more time then I did:)
2006-11-16 12:42:06 UTC
I like the name Isabella< first name middle name>Rose thats what im gonna name my daughter but i dont know how long u can be out of the hospital...
kristin c
2006-11-15 07:31:24 UTC
My mother waited until 2 days after my sister was born to make her final decision. And then they started to pressure her.

If you have a list, good. When you look at your baby, hold her, you might get a feel for what fits best. dont' stress over this and overthink it. Just stop thinking about it for a while, and you will know the right name after you hold the baby in your arms.
2006-11-15 05:25:16 UTC
I couldnt leave the hospital until I named my children. But dont worry about that. When you see her I bet a name will come to mind. My first childs name was changed after he was born. From the day I found out I was preg. with him, I was going to name him Taylor Austin... the day he was born I knew that wasnt gonna fit. He was in NICU for 10 days so I had some time...thats when we decided to stick with family names. Thank goodness for my girlfriend at the time.. she accuatly named my first child.. and OH MY.. it fits him perfectly.... Best of luck to you
2006-11-15 02:12:57 UTC
I didn't have a name until I was a month old, I must have gone through about 10 before they finally settled. don't worry huni, no one thinks you ought to have a name ready and waiting, many parents believe that you'll just know as soon as she's born. You'll find the right name in your own good time

Good luck
2006-11-15 20:13:04 UTC
They'll make you come up with some sort of name. Cause I remember my aunt and uncle couldn't think of a name for my cousin until a few month's Maybe even a year even. But it took them forever. But until then they had another name until they could both agree on a name.
2006-11-15 21:21:48 UTC
As a midwife i see pleanty of parents who have not decided on a name. You have 60 days after the birth of your baby to name her!
2006-11-15 06:25:41 UTC
Yeah it mainly depends on the hospital, they usually like to have the name done before you leave, i named my son about 24hrs after i gave birth to him that was in a military hospital, they had to have it before i left because they gave me a certificate with his date of birth his height, weight and his foot prints with his full name on it, so yeah it depends on the hospital i would check with the one your going to and see what they require for you. take care and congrats!!!
2006-11-17 11:28:59 UTC
when i had my duaghter i had to pick her name before i gave birth, but that was at a military hospital....i'm not sure on how old after you give birth do you have...why can't you come up with one?.... ask strangers whats a good name...then pick one out.
2006-11-15 12:48:24 UTC
in the US, you have to know before you leave the hospital. So you should have ample time to spend with your baby before you have to chose her name.

I understand your dilemma. Took me well over a week to name a cat.
2006-11-15 09:23:02 UTC
I also had names in mind formy daughter but didnt name her until I saw her. Some names just fit better then others. You dont have to have a first name when you leave though.
2006-11-15 02:54:14 UTC
Ask the hospital you go to. I would think they would wait at least 24 hours so that you both have time to relax first. Good luck in finding just the right name for you daughter and congratulations.
2006-11-17 13:40:34 UTC
It took me three to name my daughter.It doesn't matter how long it takes ,it is just the faster you name the child the faster you can fill out the paper work.
2006-11-16 16:36:09 UTC
you are required to have a name picked within 3 days, no later. also name idea: Avery Rose
2006-11-15 20:02:25 UTC
If I am not mistaken, it's a week of before you leave the hospital.
2006-11-15 11:18:32 UTC
im not too sure but the sooner the better really after all u cant keep calling her 'baby' or 'it' etc. i dnt think the time depends on the hospital but i think u have to register her as soon as u can. hope i helped xx.
2006-11-15 04:59:19 UTC
I think it depends on what state you're in.. I suggest you call the hospital and ask them.. That way you know b/f you go in there
maygen l paige
2006-11-15 12:26:07 UTC
You can decide a name any time. But you should try to have it when they get ready to fill out the birth certifcate. But you can go to them when you decide a name
2006-11-14 23:23:38 UTC
I think that you must pick a name in order to get the tax break. So you have until Dec 31st.

Names are scary, I suggest avoiding the commonplace, but also the very weird.
2006-11-15 04:20:19 UTC
you need a name for the baby but you could choose one within 2 days good luck xx
2006-11-15 20:36:50 UTC
before you leave the hospital
2006-11-16 20:17:07 UTC
Till you are discharged!! Or till baby is discharged which ever is longer
2006-11-15 06:03:49 UTC
they don't expect you to have the name until the next day when they bring the papers in for you to fill out.
2006-11-15 02:40:09 UTC
usually a day no more than 2 days
2006-11-16 20:43:58 UTC
give it some strong thought no more then one week
2006-11-15 11:45:52 UTC
If Gwyneth Paltrow can name her daughter Apple, you can name your daughter "Peanut"☺
2006-11-15 06:41:45 UTC
you get 6 weeks in the uk hunxx
Chris C
2006-11-15 04:00:29 UTC
preferably before the day. dont feel too pressured, you know.
2006-11-14 23:22:35 UTC
...hermione... it pretty nice name or




ashley anne

carmela (like mine LOL)

it's up to you, you are the one should give your baby's name... because when she grow maybe she will ask you: mom who gave my name? and you can't asnwer becuase you are not the one who give it
2006-11-15 06:49:13 UTC
2006-11-15 03:45:20 UTC


2006-11-15 00:20:28 UTC

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