First off, I pronounce Genevieve "JEN-uh-veev". I am aware that it can also be pronounced "JAHN-vee-ev", but it's not nearly as pretty in my opinion.
As you probably remember, I used to hate Genevieve. But after seeing it so much on your list, it did grow on me, and now I've come to be able to admire it from afar (as in it's totally not for me, but I think it's a nice name). The only time I've ever heard of anyone named Genevieve is the little brown dog on the children's show "Madeline", lol. I actually think it's really cool that it was your grandmother's name. And knowing that it was her name and that it means a lot to you makes me really excited for you to use the name on a daughter possibly someday! :)
Oh, and a nickname I really like for Genevieve is Eve. Eve is a middle name on my favorites list, so I obviously like it a lot. I think Eve would be so cute as a nickname for Genevieve! Genny (pronounced like Jenny) would be rather cute as well, I think.
Any first or middle names I think pair well with Genevieve? Well, I really like your Clara Genevieve. I think the two names really complement each other in this pairing. some others I think sound nice...
Genevieve Claire
Genevieve Katherine
Genevieve Lorraine
Charlotte Genevieve
Genevieve Noelle
Genevieve Lucy
Freya Genevieve
Hannah Genevieve
Nora Genevieve
Melinda Genevieve
Karen Genevieve
Leah Genevieve
I can't remember most of them at the moment, but I've liked quite a few of your Genevieve pairings. You're good at coming up with them!