Love the Life you Live!!!
2010-07-28 19:24:25 UTC
1. Okkay so after 5 years of dating, your boyfriend (whats his name?) finally get engaged! Then 2 years later you have the wedding of your dreams! (Where does your wedding take place?) Now you are 24 and he is 25. After your wedding you honeymoon to (???) And you live in (???)
2. When you return you find out that you are pregnant! You werent expecting to start a family that quickly, but you're excited and get into the baby spirit! You go into early labor at only 6 months, you have a tiny but beautiful baby girl. Her middle name must be a virtue name. And her first name must be the name of your mother in law, since she was born on your husband's birthday. So her name is...
3. 4 years later when your little princess is 4, she starts asking for a brother or sister. This time you have a little trouble concieveing so you go to this well known fertility treatment doctor in Los Angeles, CA. And 8 months later you deliver B/G/G triplets!!! You're sons name has to start with the letter A and his middle name is your husband's middle name. Baby girl #1 must have the initials A.E. and baby girl #2 A. L.
4. 7 years later you are living a happy life with what you think is the perfect family. You are 35 and your husband, 36. Your babies are growing up so fast!!! Your eldest daughter is 11 and the triplets are 7. And one day you are all at the beach and you have an upset say it was that darn hot dog you ate, but your husband knows it's something more...and 2 weeks later you find out that you are expecting once again! You and your husband are shocked, yet excited that there'll be anothr baby in the house! All the kids are so excited to be having another brother or sister. At 32 weeks you go into labor...this was expected due to your age...and you give birth to a handsome, but tiny little boy weighing 4.3 lbs. But wait the doctors say that there was another baby hiding behind baby boy. You were carrying twins the whole time! A tiny little girl weighing in at 2.8 lbs. You decide to use the letter E :) for both babies, and the middle names can be whatever you like.
Now, your babies are all grown up and married!!!
Daughter #1 is married to an anesthesiologist named (???) and they have 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. What are their names??? Your daughter loves unisex names, so all 3 have unisex names, middle names can be whatever you whish.
Son #1 is married to a gorgeous model named (???) and they have 1 spoiled daughter, named after a European ciy/country.
Daughter #2 is married to a lawyer named (???) and they have 2 boys with classical names.
Daughter #3 is married to a handsome ER surgeon named (???) they have triplets 1 girl and 2 boys. They all have nature themed names.
Son #2 is married to a beautiful teacher named (???) and they have 2 daughters. They decide to name the eldest after you, and the other has the initals I.L.
Daughter #4, the tiny and surprise baby is married to a young firefighter and they have twin girls and 2 boys. They all have modern and popular names.