Haha, this looks pretty hard. I'll try to make it as easily followed as I can...
First off, I'll say my family.
Me -- Amy Elizabeth
Sister -- Rachel Gail
Brother -- Nathan Thomas
Mom -- Deborah Gail "Debbie"
Dad -- Thomas Stuart "Tom"
Now I'll start on my mom's side (sorry, I don't really get the maternal / paternal dealies..).
My mom's siblings (my aunts and uncles)
Aunt: Denise "Aunt Denise"
Uncle married to Denise) -- Brian Douglas "Uncle Brian"
Uncle -- Daryl Lee "Uncle Daryl"
Ex-aunt (previously married to Daryl) -- Regina (middle name..?) "Aunt Regina"
New step-aunt type deal (now married to Daryl) -- Donna (middle name...?) "Miss Donna" (she asked us to call her that...ick)
Denise and Brian's children (my cousins)...
Andrew Brett
Brad Wesley
Ross Jeffrey
Daryl and Regina's kids (my cousins)...
Devin Lee
SaVanah Michele
Donna's daughter that is now my cousin...
Kelsey (middle name...?)
Grandma -- Dorothy Gail "Dot", but known as "Granny" from us
Grandad -- Elbert Lee "Lee", but "Grandad" or "Grandaddy" from us
My great aunts / uncles (Granny's siblings)
Mary Edith -- "Aunt Mary". (husband -- Edwin "Eddie", only met him once.)
Frannie (probably short for Francis) -- She's not related to us, but she lives with Aunt Mary.
Vera -- "Aunt Vera". (husband -- Uncle Oscar)
Norma -- She just died about a week ago... (husband -- George)
Alice -- Never met her... (husband -- William "Bill")
Fred -- Never met him... (wives -- Joanna and Penny and others, not all at the same time...but we can't remember the others' names.)
Russell -- Never met him.. (wives -- Candy, and many others that can't be remembered)
Okay, this might get tough to follow...
Mary and Eddie's kids:
• Edwin Scott "Scott" -- has a wife named Terri, and kids named Jennifer "Jenny", Christine "Chrissy / Chris" (she has a son named Jackson), Matt, and Rose. But Rose is from a different woman than his wife...she's just a baby right now.
• Kevin Donald -- Wife named Selicia (rhymes with Alicia), and a baby boy named Pierce.
Very and Oscar's kids:
• Lynn (he's a boy) -- Wife named Jackie, daughter named Sabrina.
• Larry (just Larry) -- Wife named Brenda, He has a bunch of daughters, but my mom can only remember a Stephanie Kay.
Norma and George's kids:
• Nancy -- She had a daughter named Denise, and also had a son)
• Barry -- Wife is Ann. He has twins, but my mom doesn't know their names.
Alice and Bill's kids:
• Cynthia "Cindy" -- Married to a John, but divorced him. She has a daughter named Alicia.
• Lois -- Never married, never had kids.
• BethAnne -- Married to a Stephen, my mom doesn't know about kids)
• Carl -- has a son named Carl Jr.
• and more children that my mom doesn't know very well and can't remember.
Fred and his many wives' children:
• Michael -- Wives named Beth, Kelly, and MANY others. Children named Jeffrey, Michelle "Shellie" and Christie
Russell and many wives' children:
• Angela "Angie" (no kids)
• Rusty (his name may or may not be short for Russell, had kids but my mom doesn't know them.
• More kids that my mom doesn't remember.
(Grandaddy's siblings)
Glendall Aaron -- "Uncle Glendall" (Wife -- Patricia "Aunt Pat")
Joyce -- "Aunt Joyce". She made me my baby blanket that I still sleep with, but I haven't seen her since I was little...she came with Uncle Glendall once.. (Husband -- Donald "Don")
Glendall and Pat's kids:
• Ty -- Married to Marie. Kids named Callie, Cole, and others
• Wyatt (never married)
• Kerry -- Married to Donna. No kids, but Donna has a girl.
• Lea -- "Aunt Lea", the only one I've met and know relatively well. Married to Jim. Kids are Aaron and Sarah.
• John -- Married Cassie but is now married to someone else. He had a son named Shane, and a daughter that my mom can't remember.
Joyce and Don's children:
• Donna -- Married to John. Has twins named Nathan and Andrew, and a son named Ian. They also had a daughter but my mom can't remember her name. She says it used to be a really popular name though...
My dad's side...
His siblings (again, my aunts and uncles):
Uncle -- James Stuart "Uncle Jim" / "Jimbo" (haha)
Aunt (married to Jim) -- Shelia (spelled that way...middle name...?)
Aunt -- Elizabeth Rice Jr. "Aunt Beth".
Uncle (married to Beth) -- Calvin (middle name...?) "Uncle Cal" / "Uncle Cow" (haha, we couldn't pronounce Cal well)
Aunt -- JoAnne Rice (not married) "Aunt JoJo"
Uncle -- David Stuart *died when he was 5 from some sort of cancer*
Jim and Shelia's children (my cousins):
Melissa Christine (the best cousin in the world)
Kaitlyn Elizabeth (the other best cousin in the world)
David Reid
Beth and Cal's children (my cousins):
Luke Calvin
Benjamin Daniel "Ben"
(again, more best cousins ever)
JoJo...has no children. But she has a dog named Oscar.
My grandmother -- Elizabeth Rice "Betsy" or "Mimi" by almost all of us or "Grammy" by Melissa.
Helen -- Aunt Helen. (Husband -- James "Jim")
George -- He's extremely old...like near or in his hundreds. (Wife -- Alice)
These are the only cousins that my dad can remember...
Helen and Jim's kids...
Jill -- She was their only kid, but she died in her twenties because of an eye problem...she had a seeing eye dog named Indie.
George and Alice's kids:
and others that my dad can't remember.
My grandfather -- Robert Stuart "Bob" or "Pops" by all of us.
JoAnne -- Great Aunt Jo (Husband -- William "Bill". They had no kids, just a ton of dogs.)
Jane -- I've never met her... (My dad doesn't think she married or had kids)
So yes, my dad has a horrible memory...
Wow, this took me all of like 4 hours, and I found it extremely interesting. I'm going to have to make a list of all of my family names now. :)
This was an amazing question. I loved it.
-- Amy