Your family's Names through the ages--?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Your family's Names through the ages--?
Fourteen answers:
2009-03-21 18:27:17 UTC










Kimberly (myself)

that is it. we have a small family
Halo Mom
2009-03-21 18:26:25 UTC
Both my grandma were catherine

I have an Aunt Catherine(mom sister) and a Aunt Mary catherine(dad sister)

I have a cousin Kathleen and Karen(form of Catherine)

My sister is Catherine Ann after both grandma's

Her daughter is Julia Catherine and my cousin children are Cathleen and Catherine

My mom was Julia elizabeth, Julia after my grandfather James sister

My sister daughter is Julia, her god Daughter is Juliette

My mom was called betty, Aunt catherine daughter was Betteanne after my mom. My daughter and my brother daughter middle names are Elizabeth

I have and uncle Jimmy, first name James after his father

A cousin James and my brother is Patrick James

My brother is Thomas Joseph

I have a grandfather name Thomas(dad's)

My mom brother is Thomas

My sister son is Glenn Patrick, Glenn after his grandfather(dad side) and patrick after my brother Patrick

My husband use to say, but saying in my family you only need to remember five names, and you have half the family
2009-03-21 18:24:01 UTC
here we go

Francis Marie ( my grandma)

Thomas Joseph (my uncle)

Mark Edward ( my uncle)

Edward Carl ( my grandfather)

Rhonda Jane ( mother)

Robert Paul ( my brother)

Laura Marie ( me)

Douglas Wesley ( my brother)

Frank Hollis ( my grandfather)

Helen Grace ( my grandma)

Christine ( my aunt)

Theresa ( my aunt)

Linda ( my aunt)

Frank ( my uncle)

Landis Wesley ( my father)

Austin Tyler ( my son)

William Allen ( my husband)
☠ Bunky ☠
2009-03-21 20:40:46 UTC
My paternal Grandparents - Ramon Thomas & Signe Hulda

My Maternal Grandparents - Chuck & Doris ( no idea on middle names)

My parents - David Lewis & Jacklyn Gaye

Me - Kelly Maire

My children - Thomas Moore & Karli Michelle
Two Peas
2009-03-21 19:47:36 UTC
Well my dear, i'm not going to to quite so in depth as you! lol. I'm not really sure about middle names in my family besides my parents!


Grandma-Marilyn -> married to Jerome

Mom- Julie Joann -> married to Randy Scott

Me- Brittney Ann

My daughter- Emma Elise

Aunt (moms sister)- Tracy Ann -> Married to Warren

Cousin- Rachel Ann

Cousin- Daniel Lewis

Cousin- Emily Elizabeth


Great Great Grandparents - Arleen and Ruben

Great Grandparents- Helen and Richard

Grandparents- Mary and Ronald

Father-. Randy Scott married to mom

Aunt- Penny Sue -> married Dave

Aunt- Paula -> married Laverne

Cousin Jeremy -> married Wendy then divorced, now with sylvia

His daughter - Abbey

Cousin Nathen-> married to Tammy

His son- Caleb

His daughter - Brianna

His son- Matthew

Thats really as far back as I can remember!!!

My daughter (Emma Elise) was named after my great great grandma on my moms side named Emmy, and my great grandmas sister on my dads side was also an Emily. There is also a great aunt Em somewhere on my moms side, though I don't remember where! LOL My cousin Emily was very happy to hear that Emma Elise also had Emilys innitials! There are now two "Double E's" in my family haha

Edit- I'll add in my boyfriends

Boyfriend- Kyle William

His parents are - Dawn Renee and Fred

Kyles brother is Adam James

Adams son is Reece James

Fred has 5 bros/sisters I believe. I know there is Fred, Ted, and Karen.

Dawn also has many brothers and sisters, i've only met one. Jamie. Jamies daughter is also named Brittney. One of dawns brothers is Carl!
A Thing Called Hope
2009-03-21 19:00:41 UTC
Mom's Side:

Great-Grand Mother: Emily Rose

Great-Grandfather: Paul Isaiah

Grandmother: Patricia Mae

Grandfather: Craig Trent

Great Aunts: Jean Elisabeth, Tasha Renee (Tah-shuh)

Great Uncles: Joseph Evan, James Alexander, Edward Lawerence, Thomas Clint

Mother: Heather Ann

Father: David Michael

Aunts: Jennifer Lynn and Lily Jenine

My Name: Lauren Elisabeth

Sibling's Names: Holly Ann and Connor Michael
2009-03-21 18:46:28 UTC


Clyde William


Forrest Ray



Verena Ann

Forrest Ray Jr

Patricia Ann

Richard Lee


Tammy Lynn

Franklin Ross

Ronald Lee




Jacob (two of them)

Ashley (two of them)

Jennifer Kay

Jacob Ross

Ashley Ann

Rachel Nicole




Amber Nichol - ME!



Ashley ♥ Your Girl
2009-03-21 18:45:20 UTC
Margaret Marie (Great great great grandma)

Willis Ronald (Great great great grandpa)

Anna Brynn (Great great grandma)

Fred Thomas (Great great grandpa)

Betty Jane (Great great grandma)

William Elmer (Great grandpa)

Wanda Lee (My grandma)

Fred Thomas Jr. (My grandpa)

Gloria Jane (My aunt)

Randell Joseph (My uncle)

Michael John (My uncle)

Tina Louise (My cousin)

Henna Cole (My second cousin)

Benji Daniel (My second cousin)

Zerrick Michael (My cousin)

Hudson Ian (My cousin)

Tamara Lynn (My mom)

Gabrielle McKinley Beth (My sister)

Ashley Mackenzie Paige (Me!)

Trever Mitchell (My brother)

Chelsea Mae (My sister)

Thomas Michael (My brother)

Scott Viktor (My brother-in-law)

Kaye Rebecca (My sister-in-law)

Timothy Gregg (My brother-in-law)

Michael Jacob (My brother-in-law)

Preston Cole (My god brother)

Sierra Delaney (My god mother)

Sarah McKinley (My soon-to-be niece)

Taylor Elizabeth (My soon-to-be niece)

Emily Brielle (My soon-to-be niece)

That was a lot!
Patient Paws
2009-03-21 18:42:32 UTC
Unfortunately, my family tree doesn't extend far, for some reason we popped up outt'a the ground..?

Maternal Grandma--> ?

Paternal Grandma--> Vivian Jean

Maternal Grandpa--> Jack Slone

Paternal Grandpa--> William William

Mom--> Delia Mary Slone

Dad--> William Williams

Me--> Anna Marie

Sister-->Amy Lynn

Sister--> Jamie Lee

Sister--> Allison Kay

Brother--> Todd Ryan

Brother--> James Leon

My Husband--> Robert Theodore
Iguana City
2009-03-24 21:49:41 UTC
Haha, this looks pretty hard. I'll try to make it as easily followed as I can...

First off, I'll say my family.

Me -- Amy Elizabeth

Sister -- Rachel Gail

Brother -- Nathan Thomas

Mom -- Deborah Gail "Debbie"

Dad -- Thomas Stuart "Tom"

Now I'll start on my mom's side (sorry, I don't really get the maternal / paternal dealies..).

My mom's siblings (my aunts and uncles)

Aunt: Denise "Aunt Denise"

Uncle married to Denise) -- Brian Douglas "Uncle Brian"

Uncle -- Daryl Lee "Uncle Daryl"

Ex-aunt (previously married to Daryl) -- Regina (middle name..?) "Aunt Regina"

New step-aunt type deal (now married to Daryl) -- Donna (middle name...?) "Miss Donna" (she asked us to call her that...ick)

Denise and Brian's children (my cousins)...

Andrew Brett

Brad Wesley

Ross Jeffrey

Daryl and Regina's kids (my cousins)...

Devin Lee

SaVanah Michele

Donna's daughter that is now my cousin...

Kelsey (middle name...?)

Grandma -- Dorothy Gail "Dot", but known as "Granny" from us

Grandad -- Elbert Lee "Lee", but "Grandad" or "Grandaddy" from us

My great aunts / uncles (Granny's siblings)

Mary Edith -- "Aunt Mary". (husband -- Edwin "Eddie", only met him once.)

Frannie (probably short for Francis) -- She's not related to us, but she lives with Aunt Mary.

Vera -- "Aunt Vera". (husband -- Uncle Oscar)

Norma -- She just died about a week ago... (husband -- George)

Alice -- Never met her... (husband -- William "Bill")

Fred -- Never met him... (wives -- Joanna and Penny and others, not all at the same time...but we can't remember the others' names.)

Russell -- Never met him.. (wives -- Candy, and many others that can't be remembered)

Okay, this might get tough to follow...

Mary and Eddie's kids:

• Edwin Scott "Scott" -- has a wife named Terri, and kids named Jennifer "Jenny", Christine "Chrissy / Chris" (she has a son named Jackson), Matt, and Rose. But Rose is from a different woman than his wife...she's just a baby right now.

• Kevin Donald -- Wife named Selicia (rhymes with Alicia), and a baby boy named Pierce.

Very and Oscar's kids:

• Lynn (he's a boy) -- Wife named Jackie, daughter named Sabrina.

• Larry (just Larry) -- Wife named Brenda, He has a bunch of daughters, but my mom can only remember a Stephanie Kay.

Norma and George's kids:

• Nancy -- She had a daughter named Denise, and also had a son)

• Barry -- Wife is Ann. He has twins, but my mom doesn't know their names.

Alice and Bill's kids:

• Cynthia "Cindy" -- Married to a John, but divorced him. She has a daughter named Alicia.

• Lois -- Never married, never had kids.

• BethAnne -- Married to a Stephen, my mom doesn't know about kids)

• Carl -- has a son named Carl Jr.

• and more children that my mom doesn't know very well and can't remember.

Fred and his many wives' children:

• Michael -- Wives named Beth, Kelly, and MANY others. Children named Jeffrey, Michelle "Shellie" and Christie

Russell and many wives' children:

• Angela "Angie" (no kids)

• Rusty (his name may or may not be short for Russell, had kids but my mom doesn't know them.

• More kids that my mom doesn't remember.

(Grandaddy's siblings)

Glendall Aaron -- "Uncle Glendall" (Wife -- Patricia "Aunt Pat")

Joyce -- "Aunt Joyce". She made me my baby blanket that I still sleep with, but I haven't seen her since I was little...she came with Uncle Glendall once.. (Husband -- Donald "Don")

Glendall and Pat's kids:

• Ty -- Married to Marie. Kids named Callie, Cole, and others

• Wyatt (never married)

• Kerry -- Married to Donna. No kids, but Donna has a girl.

• Lea -- "Aunt Lea", the only one I've met and know relatively well. Married to Jim. Kids are Aaron and Sarah.

• John -- Married Cassie but is now married to someone else. He had a son named Shane, and a daughter that my mom can't remember.

Joyce and Don's children:

• Donna -- Married to John. Has twins named Nathan and Andrew, and a son named Ian. They also had a daughter but my mom can't remember her name. She says it used to be a really popular name though...

My dad's side...

His siblings (again, my aunts and uncles):

Uncle -- James Stuart "Uncle Jim" / "Jimbo" (haha)

Aunt (married to Jim) -- Shelia (spelled that way...middle name...?)

Aunt -- Elizabeth Rice Jr. "Aunt Beth".

Uncle (married to Beth) -- Calvin (middle name...?) "Uncle Cal" / "Uncle Cow" (haha, we couldn't pronounce Cal well)

Aunt -- JoAnne Rice (not married) "Aunt JoJo"

Uncle -- David Stuart *died when he was 5 from some sort of cancer*

Jim and Shelia's children (my cousins):

Melissa Christine (the best cousin in the world)

Kaitlyn Elizabeth (the other best cousin in the world)

David Reid

Beth and Cal's children (my cousins):

Luke Calvin

Benjamin Daniel "Ben"

(again, more best cousins ever)

JoJo...has no children. But she has a dog named Oscar.

My grandmother -- Elizabeth Rice "Betsy" or "Mimi" by almost all of us or "Grammy" by Melissa.


Helen -- Aunt Helen. (Husband -- James "Jim")

George -- He's extremely near or in his hundreds. (Wife -- Alice)

These are the only cousins that my dad can remember...

Helen and Jim's kids...

Jill -- She was their only kid, but she died in her twenties because of an eye problem...she had a seeing eye dog named Indie.

George and Alice's kids:



and others that my dad can't remember.

My grandfather -- Robert Stuart "Bob" or "Pops" by all of us.


JoAnne -- Great Aunt Jo (Husband -- William "Bill". They had no kids, just a ton of dogs.)

Jane -- I've never met her... (My dad doesn't think she married or had kids)

So yes, my dad has a horrible memory...

Wow, this took me all of like 4 hours, and I found it extremely interesting. I'm going to have to make a list of all of my family names now. :)

This was an amazing question. I loved it.

-- Amy
2009-03-21 18:40:01 UTC
Maternal G-Grandma: Lottie Leyland

Maternal Grandma: Phillys Leyland

Maternal Grandpa: Joseph Harry

Paternal Grandma: Kathleen

Paternal Grandpa: Thomas William Frederick

Mom: Margaret Elizabeth

Dad: Barry Douglas

Me: Joanne

Sister: Laura

Brother: Christopher

My husband: Robert James Milan

My oldest son: Milan Joseph-Christopher

My oldest daughter: Amber Elizabeth Rose

My youngest daughter: Hailey Isabel-Robin

My youngest son: Stefan Matthew-Harry

My niece (bro's daughter): Cara Marie
The Name Guru
2009-03-21 18:34:53 UTC
Good question. On my maternal side, my maternal grandmother's side it seems there were only three names being used. Carla, Carlo, Giorgio, Giorgia. Then they have the varitions as in Carolina and Giorgina. The men were either Vittorio, Carlo or Giorgio. There was also a Maddalena, an Oriana and an Arianna. But for the men the only one that you don't have up there was Giuseppe. There were other names but not too many. Then on my grandfather's side of the family it seems the family name was David.

On my dad's side of the family the names were all different and not much to report. There was an Amalia, an Amelia, a Walter, a Bruna, a Giulia, Anna, Maria etc....

This was fun.
2009-03-21 18:41:53 UTC
maternal great grandpa: Thomas Vincent

maternal grandma - Kathleen Louise (she goes by Kitty. When she was younger, she went by Kitty Lou)

maternal grandpa - James Vincent (went by Jim)

Aunt: Kathleen Mary (Kathy)

Aunt: Mary Beth

Uncle: Mark Vincent

Uncle: Patrick Thomas

Uncle: James Michael (Jim)

paternal grandma - Shirley

paternal grandpa - Harold Jeffrey

Aunt: Terri Elizabeth

Uncle: Timothy (Tim)

Uncle: Craig Matthew

Uncle: Paul Christopher

Dad: Harold Jeffrey (goes by his middle name - Jeff)

Mom: Linda Marie

Brother: Thomas Jeffrey (goes by Tommy)

Me: Emily Nicole

Cousins (from oldest (32) to youngest (who is due next month!)):

Jennifer Marie

Melissa Ann

Jessica Ann

David Michael

Holly Elizabeth

Amanda Rose

Nicholas James (Nick)

RuthAnn Julia (Ruthie)

Ashley Nicole

Madeline Elizabeth

Joseph David (Joey)

Olivia Claire

Fiona Grace

Brandon Michael

Haha fun question!! Hope this helped and best wishes =)
2009-03-21 18:38:05 UTC
ok ummm.

Grandmas--- Francis and Eden

Grandfathers--- Winston and Warren

Aunts--- Cindy and Leah

Uncles--- Eugene, Lenny, Joseph, Sean, Kelly, Lorne,

Cousins (Girls)--- Cherishe, Kathrine, Madison, Amanda, Renee and Jenny (Not Jennifer)

Cousins (Boys): Nicholas, Nathaniel, Dylan, Brennon, Kyle, and Joel.

Mom: Ronalda

Dad: Neil

Me: Rebecca 'Becky'

Brothers: Luke and Jordan

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.