Jordan/Jorden Joan: 7/10 for Jordan Joan; 3/10 for Jorden Joan
To start with, Jordan is not really an 'elegant' name. Elegance means classic, exquisite, refined, luxurious. Jordan does not have those qualities. It's not even considered 'chic'. It falls more into the sporty, sassy or swanky category, a far cry from elegant.
As for Jorden, I don't see the point of the 'unique' spelling, since 90% of the time, a name is heard or spoken, not read. An 'elegant' name should be printed on an invitation, program, business card, etc. looking like a printer's typo. Or have the readers wonder who misspelled the first name. Substituting the 'E' in Jorden for the 'A' doesn't make Jordan feminine.
Jordana is recognized as the fem. variation of Jordan. Jordana has a hint of elegance & chic-ness about the name. Jordana would have scored much higher, 8/10 , even 9/10.
Joan is a classic name which toddles between classic & sporty depending on the name it is paired with. It is a solid choice as a middle name
Dillon: 7/10
Or Dylan, is considered a male name. No elegant woman ever wants to be mistaken for a man. Even when she's in designer androgynous clothing, the elegant woman is still very much identified as a feminine fashion plate.
Libby: 8/10; as Elizabeth 10/10
Libby's not exactly 'elegant'. It is a popular name in Southern communities (I have no knowledge of its use elsewhere) As a nickname for Elizabeth, Libby retains a certain glamour, much like the glamorous Beyonce, dressed down in sweats, or Kate Middleton, Duchess in jeans & cowboy hat.
I have seen many Debutante programs, with the debutante's name Elizabeth in print & nickname Libby in parenthesis. Libby also takes on another aura when it's a 'double' name so popular in the Deep South. Names such as Charla-Lib, for Charlotte Elizabeth, Libby-Sue for Elizabeth Susan or Libby-G for Elizabeth Grace. Then there is the former US Senator for NC, Sen. Liddy Dole, wife of former Senator Bob Dole. Sen. Elizabeth Dole is known as Liddy, (even during her political campaigns) a name not unlike Libby.
Eleanor: (Elle) 10/10
You won't go wrong with this sophisticated, classic name. Eleanor is a versatile name suitable for every age; Elly for the toddler, Elle for the teenager & young adult & Eleanor for the sophisticate woman as she gracefully ages into the golden years. This is the name of queens & aristocrats, of First Ladies & CEOs, of models, movie stars & heiresses.
Jenna: 9/10
For a trendy name, Jenna has achieved a certain respect & sophistication. It began as a diminutive of names like Jennifer, Genevieve or the humble Janet, before it became mainstream. It acquired popular attention in the 80s when the Dallas series was huge in the ratings, but it faded slowly in mass appeal during the 90's. It is still noticed as a beautiful name for the rich & famous, like Jenna Bush, one of President Bush's twin daughters, Jenna Lyons president of J Crews, actress-director Jenna Fischer
Faye: 9/10
This is an under appreciated name which is surprising considering the popularity of celebrities like Faye Dunaway, the actress, Faye Kellerman, the fiction novelist or Faye Sewell, the British actress. It may even be trendy as a middle name in the next few years.
SECOND CHARACTER who looks like Kat Dennings with a dry sense of humor; middle name Marie, family name is Hayes:
Remy 8/10; Remington 3/10
I like Remy. Remington seems a little too hard (not gentle or graceful) for a girl, especially one who is as beautiful as Kat Dennings. How can a Remington have a dry sense of humor? Its a name of a gun brand. The nickname, Remy cannot balance the harsh quality of Remington, which is so masculine.
If you want a proper name for Remy, you should consider Remielle, fem. variation of Remiel, one of the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel is Gabrielle in its feminine variation, Archangel Raphael is Raphaëlle in its feminine variation, Archangel Remiel, likewise, is Remielle (Remie or Remy)
Sloane 9/10
As a unisex name, Sloane has become an exclusively girl's name. Sloane has a preppy-chic vibe about it. It certainly fits my image of a Kat Dennings type, but it doesn't end with the requisite Y. Still Sloane sounds like a beautiful brunette with a dry sense of humor.
Charlie 7/19; Charlotte 10/10; Charly 9/10
Charlotte is a sophisticated, versatile name. But Charlie not on my list of favorite Charlotte nicknames. Charlie reminds me of Charlie Brown, Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Sheen, Charlie's Angels etc. You could spell Charlie with a Y. Charly or Charley is more quirky & feminine, esp if you pronounce it as SHAR-lee
First Character: Jenna Elizabeth (Jenna-Lib) or Eleanor Faye (Elle)
Second Character: Charlotte Marie Hayes (Charly) or Sloane Marie Hayes