B/B: Dorian Alexis Charles + Lesley Vincent Graham
G/G: Prudence Margo + Gertrude Victoria
B/G: Seóirse Lionel Todd + Líadain Estelle
Líadain - "Lia-dawn"
Seóirse - "Shore-shuh"
- Irish names, 'cause I'm Irish.
BQ: I both like and dislike them simultaneously. I like them because they're all traditional, properly spelled, intelligent, mature and gender appropriate. I dislike them, not because I dislike the names themselves, but because the names possess no distinct connection/theme. What I mean is, Alfred, Florence, Rosalind and Julietta are all very old and not at all popular these days. I happen to adore less generic classics such as them but, they've been combined with Ezra, Harry, Alexander, Isabel, Lillian, Madeleine, Theodore and Elias, all of which are very modern-traditional, trendy and popular. The two different styles between them cause a sort of rift so, while individually they are all wonderful choices, as a set they are incompatible.