2010-11-28 22:34:53 UTC
Your name?:
You are 16 and Pregnant, you have a supportive family that aren't wealthy but can help support you and your baby. The father will go with what you choose.
What do you do?:
If you keep it, what do you name him/her?:
When you are 18 you find out you are pregnant again, you have your own flat with your boyfriend and money you were saving for a holiday. How ever your mother passed away:( You have a little boy, his first name is a modern name and middle name is after your mother.
What do you call him?(e.g Iona-Ian)
Aged 21 you find out you are having triplets, you have 2 girls and a boy. There first names are unique and the middle name means something to you, your boyfriend and family.
What do you call them?
At age 23 your boyfriend ask you to marry him. He does it your dream way.
How does he propose?
25 and your pregnant with twins. 2 Girls. Their first names can be anything but the middle names have a connection to your marriage.
What do yo name them? and why?
You and your family decide to go on holiday when the twins are 5.
Where do you go?
When you come home you discover you're expecting again. Twin boy and Girl.
Their names has a connection to your holiday.
What do you name them?
Finally your family is complete!!
8 (or 9, depending on your first answer) children later you decide you need a bigger house.
Where do you move to?
Describe your house?
How any rooms?
Who Shares(if any)?
Now name your family :D
hope you had fun:D
i will post mine soon.