Just to warn you, my GP names tend to be reaaaaaaaaally crazy -- I think comes from being a fantasy writer ^.^ Here's my top 20 per gender and why they're GP =)
❅ Renaissance << Too extravagant for a kid I think
❅ Heiress << It's a word and I can't see myself using it
❅ Nightshade << Too out there
❅ Butterfly << Too out there
❅ Astrid << She might be teased for the "As-" part of the name, especially in my area
❅ Starfish << Too out there and just plain odd (I really don't know why I like it XD)
❅ Katara << Too Avatar: The Last Airbender
❅ Royal << It's a word, and a bit much for a real person I think
❅ Alleluia [ah-lay-LOO-yǝ] << Too religious I think
❅ Katana [kah-TAH-nah] << It's the name of a type of sword
❅ Everheart << A bit much for a kid I think, and I cant' see myself using it
❅ Tansy << Too close to "pansy"
❅ Éowyn [AY-oh-win] << Too Lord of the Rings
❅ Cayenne [kye-EHN] << It's a color and I think it would be mispronounced
❅ Siren << It's the name of mermaids who drowned sailors (not the best association) and it's too out there
❅ Maja [MAH-yah] << It would be mispronounced
❅ Desdemona [dehs-deh-MOH-nǝ] << Has "demon" in it
❅ Astarte [ă-STAHR-tee] << Same problem as Astrid, and it would probably be mispronounced
❅ Lyris [LEER-ihs] << I think it's a bit too odd
❅ Morgause [mohr-GOHS] << It would be mispronounced a lot
~ BOYS ~
❅ Pharaoh << Too out there and a bit much for a real person
❅ Chaos << It's a word and is too, well, chaotic ;D
❅ Egypt << Too out there
❅ Saturday << It's a commonly used word and a bit too out there
❅ Rebel << Similar problem as Chaos -- it's a word and is too, well, rebellious ^.^
❅ Hurricane << It's too extravagant for a kid I think
❅ Spiridon [SPEER-ih-dahn] << A little too out there and extravagant, and I can't see myself using it
❅ Obelisk << Too out there
❅ Poseidon << It's the name of a god from mythology and a bit too out there
❅ Merlin << Too out there and I can't see myself using it
❅ Doctor << It's the name of a profession (I like this one because of Doctor Who XD Yes I'm obsessed.)
❅ Pan << The name of an object used in cooking (I like this one because of Peter Pan -- I like Pan but not Peter XD)
❅ D'Artagnan [dahr-TĂN-yən] << A bit much for a kid and it would probably be mispronounced
❅ Pippin << I can't see myself using it, and it's a little too Lord of the Rings
❅ Saturn << It's the name of a planet and a little too out there
❅ Apollo << It's the name of a god from mythology and I can't see myself using it
❅ Jupiter << It's the name of a planet and a little too out there
❅ Neptune << It's the name of a god from mythology and a bit too out there
❅ Hawthorn << I can't see myself using this one
❅ Helios << A name from mythology and a bit too out there for a kid I think