2011-08-23 15:24:04 UTC
1) When you are 19 you meet a guy. What is his name? Describe him
2) 1 year later you are both 22 and he proposes. Where does he propose?
3) Another year later you get married at 23. Where is the wedding? What is it like? Where is your honeymoon?
4) 9 months later you are still 23 and you have your first child, a girl and her first name must be a name based on a spice. What do you name her?
5) You are now 25 and your daughter is 2. You decide to try for another child and you get twins! What are their genders? are they identical or fraternal? Their names both have the same initial, S.R. What do you name them?
6)A Year later you decide to move to a bigger house because you are pregnant with a boy. Where do you live now? Your son has to have a first name of French Orgin and a Middle name of Italian Origin. What do you name him?
7) 2 years later you want more children and you get pregnany with quads! They all have first names that would be normally used on the opposite gender. What do you name them?
8) 6 years later you are 34, your daughter is 11, your twins are 9, your son is 8, and your quads are 6. You and your husband go on vacation by yourselves for your 10 year aniversery. Where do you go?
9) 9 months after the vacation you give birth to healthy triplets! What are their genders? Their middle names all have to be nouns. What do you name them?
10) 4 years later you feel your life is complete! You and your husband are both 39, your daughter is 16, your twins are 14, your son is 13, yours quads are 11, and your triplets are 5! What happens when they are all grown up?