what are your favorite names and why?
((Red)) Lipstick
2008-12-22 20:17:52 UTC
no limits here. if you have more than one favorite, go for it. What are your favorite boy and girl names. middle, first, first/middle, and why?

I Love the names Kristen, Luciana (Luciana/Lucy/Lucie/Anna/Ana), Bethany(Betheny/Bethenny), and Abigail (Abbie/Abby/Abigail)

...and for boys:
Jonathan Everett
Adam Elijah

this is why:
they are just so beautiful and unique without being too crazy (well besides abigail and kristen). I think they are classy and can grow with them. I'm also very religious and they are from the bible (excluding Rhett, Everett and Rowan).

Kristen means 'the annointed one/follower of christ' and it is of Greek origin. Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16
Luciana means 'bringer of light' and it is of Latin origin. Derived from Lucius, a christian leader in Rome.
Bethany means 'place of figs' It is a town close to Jeruselum, in the bible, where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and cursed the fruitless fig tree. John 11:1-44; Mark 11:11; Matthew 21:17; Luke 24:50
Abigail means 'source of joy' and the origin is Hebrew. 1 Samuel 27:3; 30:5; 2 Samuel 2:2; 1 Chronicles 2:16,17

not to be subjective in any way if you aren't religious, those are just my reasons.
so, what are your favorites and why?
Ten answers:
2008-12-22 20:37:21 UTC
These are my top names, the ones that have middle names, and reasons. The rest of them I haven't gotten around to giving middle names to, but there's a whole slew of reasons why I love them. Mostly because of their meanings, and how the sound (of course).

Monica Lynn is the first, because it's the names of my grandmother and mom. Two beautiful women.

Thea Leona. Thea is the feminine of Theodore (my dad's name) and Leona is the feminine of Leo, my grandfather's dearest uncle.

Tobias Alexander, there's a sweet love story behind the name Tobias in the Bible.

Jude Christopher, great name, two wonderful saints!

Full list (there's a lot!)

Adelaide ~ German ~ Noble; Kind

Amelia ~ German ~ Work of the Lord

Anna ~ Czech ~ Gracious

Annabelle ~ Old English ~ Gracious, Lovable Beauty

Annika ~ Czech ~ Very Beautiful

Aoife (ee-fah) ~ Gaelic ~ Joyful

Artemis ~ Greek ~ Gift of the Gods

Audrey ~ German ~ Noble Strength

Aurelia ~ Old Roman ~ Golden

Aurora ~ Latin ~ Dawn

Avalon ~ Latin ~ Island

Aveline ~ Old English ~ Wished For

Bella ~ Italian ~ Beautiful

Bernadette ~ French ~ Bold as a Bear

Bianca ~ Italian ~ Fair

Briar-Rose ~ English ~ Shrub of Roses

Bridget ~ Celtic ~ Exalted One

Brooklyn ~ Modern English ~ Beautiful Brook

Caprice ~ Italian ~ Playful

Cassandra ~ Greek ~ Inflaming Men with Love

Cathleen ~ Irish ~ Pure

Clarice ~ Italian ~ Clear

Cosette (coh-set) ~ French ~ Victory of the People

Dahlia (doll-ya) ~ Scandinavian ~ from the Valley

Daphne ~ Greek ~ Laurel Tree

Delia ~ Latin ~ Daughter of the Sea

Diana ~ Greek ~ Divine

Edie ~ Old English ~ Rich War

Eliza ~ Hebrew ~ Oath of God

Ella ~ Latin ~ Beautiful Light

Elodie ~ French ~ Foreign Prosperity

Eloise ~ French ~ Sun

Evangeline ~ Latin ~ Like an Angel

Fay ~ Old English ~ Fairy

Felicity ~ Latin ~ Happiness

Fiera ~ Esperanto ~ Proud

Fiona ~ Irish ~ Fair

Genevieve ~ French ~ Fair

Ginger ~ Latin ~ Pure

Grace ~ Latin ~ Grace of God

Gweneth ~ Celtic ~ Blessed

Honoria (on-OR-ee-a) ~ Late Roman ~ Honor

Isla ~ Scottish ~ Island

Isobel ~ Scottish ~ Consecrated to God

Isolde (ee-zohld) ~ Celtic ~ Beautiful

Ithaca ~ Greek ~ Cheerfully True

Jane ~ Hebrew ~ Gracious

Jenna ~ Latin ~ White, Fair

Joanna ~ Hebrew ~ God is Gracious

Juliet ~ French ~ Soft-haired

Kate ~ Latin ~ Pure

Layna ~ Greek ~ Truth

Lena (lee-nah) ~ Scandinavian ~ Torch

Leona ~ German ~ Brave as a Lioness

Libby ~ Hebrew ~ Oath to God

Liesel (lee-sel) ~ German ~ God is Boutiful

Liv ~ Old Norse ~ Protector

Lorelei ~ German ~ Alluring Song

Lottie ~ French ~ Pretty

Lydia ~ Greek ~ Maiden from Lydia

Marian ~ Old English ~ Beloved

Maeve (mayv) ~ Irish ~ Intoxicating

Matilda ~ German ~ Might

Maura (mor-ah) ~ Irish ~ Great

Melinda ~ Old English ~ Dark Beauty

Mercedes ~ Spanish ~ Mercies

Michaela ~ Irish ~ Who is Like God

Monica ~ Greek ~ Solitary

Nora ~ Irish ~ Honor

Odette ~ French ~ Little Wealthy One

Odilia ~ Anglo-Saxon ~ Little Wealthy One

Órla (oor-lah) ~ Irish ~ Golden Woman

Paige ~ English ~ Young Child

Phaedra (fay-drah) ~ Greek ~ Bright

Pheadora (fee-ah-dora) ~ Greek ~ Gift of God

Rosaleen ~ Irish ~ Little Rose

Rose ~ Latin ~ Unconcious Love

Samantha ~ Armaic ~ She Who Listens

Sophie ~ French ~ Wisdom

Soleil (soh-lay) ~ French ~ The Sun

Tabitha ~ Hebrew ~ Roe-Buck

Thea ~ Old English ~ Divine Gift

Thérèse (ter-ez) ~ French ~ One Who Harvests

Trissie ~ Latin ~ Bringer of Joy

Twila ~ French ~ Twilight

Verona ~ Latin ~ To Bear Victoriously

Veronica ~ Latin ~ True Image

Veronique ~ French ~ True Image

Violet ~ English ~ Modesty

Aidan ~ Irish ~ Little Fire

Ambrose ~ Greek ~ Everlasting

Angus ~ Scottish ~ One Strength

Anthony ~ Latin ~ Worthy of Praise

Asher ~ Hebrew ~ Blessed; Happy

Atticus ~ Latin ~ From Athens

Ben ~ Hebrew ~ Son of my right hand/favorite son

Clint ~ Old English ~ Town on a Hill

Connor ~ Scottish ~ Knowledgeable

Constantine ~ Latin ~ Firm

Derrick ~ Old English ~ Ever Powerful Ruler

Dougray ~ Scottish ~ Protector of the King

Edmund ~ Old English ~ Blessed Protector

Emmet ~ German ~ Industrious

Ethan ~ Hebrew ~ Strong one

Ewan ~ Scottish ~ God is Gracious

Felix ~ Latin ~ Happy and Prosperous

Gavin ~ Welsh ~ Little Hawk

Gideon ~ Hebrew ~ Tree Cutter

Hale ~ Irish ~ Hero

Henry ~ German ~ Master of the Home

Holden ~ Old English ~ Deep Valley

Ian ~ Scottish ~ God is Gracious

Ignatius ~ Latin ~ Fiery One

Isaac ~ Hebrew ~ He Will Laugh

John ~ Hebrew ~ God is Gracious

Jonas ~ Greek ~ Dove

Joseph ~ Hebrew ~ God Will Increase

Jude ~ Latin ~ Praise

Keefer ~ Irish ~ Noble; Gentle

Keenan ~ English ~ Smart

Kieran ~ Irish ~ Dark Prince

Leo ~ Latin ~ A Lion

Liam ~ Irish ~ Guardian

Lincoln ~ English ~ By the Water

Linus ~ Old English ~ Fair-haired

Lorenzo ~ Italian ~ Laurel

Luke ~ Hebrew~ Of Lucania

Matthew ~ Hebrew ~ Gift of God

Max ~ German ~ Great

Milo ~ Old English ~ Soldier

Oliver ~ Latin ~ Olive Tree

Phineas ~ Hebrew ~ Serpent's Mouth

Pierce ~ English ~ Rock

Quinn ~ Irish ~ The Fifth

Reynaud (ray-nohd) ~ French ~ Ruler

Roscoe ~ English ~ Hearthland Of The Roe Deer

Royce ~ Old English ~ Famous

Sampson ~ Hebrew ~ Of the Sun

Seamus ~ Irish ~ Supplanter

Sean ~ Irish ~ God is Gracious

Sebastian ~ Greek ~ Revered

Simon ~ Hebrew ~ Obedient

Tavish ~ Scottish ~ A Twin

Tobias ~ Hebrew ~ The Lord is Good

Todd ~ Old English ~ Fox Hunter

Yannick ~ Breton ~ God is Gracious
2008-12-22 20:49:41 UTC
I love that yours are all Biblical! Here are mine:


Landen Bryce- I just really really love it. It's masculine, and fun. It's sweet and strong sounding and I think it ages really well too. Bryce is the name of my best guy friend, and I was trying to think of middle names for Landen one day, and this one just sounded perfect.

Blake Daniel- See the beginning of the 1st explaination.

Parker-See first and second explainations. :P

Jackson Caleb - a friend of mine has a little brother with this name, and I love it! Jack is such a great nickname, and it ages really well.

Girls (these change a lot more than the boy names, so these are current favorites)

Avonlea (ah-von-lee) - the fictional town in Anne of Green Gables. I love the movies and books, and I thought while I was watching it "That would be such a gorgeous and unique girl name." I usually don't like Ava as a name, but I love it as a nickname for Avonlea. My favorite combo is Avonlea Grace

Alexandra Kathryn- This is more traditional than most of my favorites, but I still love it. It came from my favorite show Law and Order: CI. The character's name is Alexandra (Alex) and the actress' name is Kathryn. I think it makes a great combo, and I love Alex for a girl.

Kadence Elaine - I don't know where I heard the name Kadence, but I fell in love with it. I've always thought Katie was a great nickname, but I didn't like the same old spelling as everyone else. I love Kady though. Elaine is my grandma's, my mom's and my middle name, so I want to continue the tradition.

Chloe Auburn - I've loved the name Chloe for a while, but I don't know how it started. Auburn is my best friend's name, and Chloe just seemed to fit perfectly.

Avery Sophia - I heard the name Avery for a girl and fell in love with it. I also love Sophia, and I think it makes a gorgoes combo. But I would have to choose between this and Avonlea, because they're too similar I think. I don't know if I could decide!! lol

Shiloh Elizabeth - I, like most other people I assume, heard this name for a little girl when Angelina had her baby. I am not a fan of her, but I love the name Shiloh. And I've always wanted to use Elizabeth for a middle name.

Erin Sophia - This just came to me actually. I think it's a gorgeous combo, and if I decide one day (a long long time from now) to use Avonlea Grace, instead of Avery Sophia, I can still have Sophia. Yay!

Audrey Charlotte - I saw this combo somewhere here on Y!A and really really loved it. It's so classic and beautiful.

Well, I've done 12 names...I think that's enough. I hope you like some of them!
2016-06-03 08:04:27 UTC
For girls I am big on names that are girly, and have cute nicknames. I tend to like more vintage names paired with a more trendy name. Girls Lillian Faith Lilia Faith Allison Taylor Evelyn Claire Annabelle Taylor For boys I like names that end in -n for some reason. I like names that are not too common for a first name, and more common middle names, I like more family ties with boy names for some reason. Boys: Tristan Riley Sebastian Connor Austin Jacob Landon Alexander Gavin Davis You have really good taste. I like a lot of your names. Noah Jacob used to be on my list, I love it but my husband doesn't think it's masculine enough.
2008-12-22 21:10:35 UTC

Lejla (Layla/Leila) : It's such a beautiful name, and I'd always loved it. It means night beauty in Arabic.

Dalila (Delilah) : Dalila is like Delilah, except it's a Bosnian name. It's pronounced Da-le-la. It's also a Swahili and Tanzanian name meaning delicate or gentle, and the name really does sound delicate and gentle.


Amar : I loved this name ever since my first cousin was born (he's two years old now). I just love the way it rolls off the tongue.

Benjamin : Now, this isn't exactly like the regular Benjamin you hear, it's actually pronounced Ben-yam-een. I like it because it's a name in my culture, but in english, no one would have a problem pronouncing it.
2008-12-22 20:41:24 UTC

Kenley Elisabeth - Kenley was on Project Runway and she was my favorite designer, its just an awesome name especially for a girl since its usually a boys name like mine. I never liked the name Elizabeth but then I met a girl named it but it was spelled with an s. It makes it so much more pretty and feminine I think.

Luella Jane- Luella was just a name I heard and I love it. Its one of those names that was popular a long time ago and now its not. That why I love it! Jane is just pretty and it fits with Luella.

Bridgette Chevelle- Bridgette is a name that used to be popular and now you don't hear it much, but its not like a weird name either. Chevelle is a gorgeous middle name. I love the car and the name is just beautiful.

Allaire May- Allaire is a gorgeous long name that can have the nickname Allie. I think its a gorgeous name the only thing that would be a problem is people pronouncing it wrong. May is the only thing I can think of that sounds good with it. Its actually not my favorite. I need to think of a better middle name.


Sterling McKay- My boyfriend picked Sterling for our first boy if we have one. I like it, its original. McKay means son of Fire. My boyfriend is going to school to be a fireman and his father was a fireman also.

Nash Wendell- I love the name Nash I don't know why... Wendell was my grandfathers name. I never met him, he drowned in a plane crash in a lake, when my dad was only 8.

Kahne Phoenix- Kahne is like Kane but spelled like Kasey Kahne, Phoenix goes great with it. Its so unique! I love it.

Harlan Justice- Harlan is a cute name I found one day and I just love it. The nickname for is could be Harley like the motorcycle. Justice is original and sounds good with it.
вяу ♥
2008-12-22 20:23:29 UTC

Ella- I love this name it's so pretty

Olivia- Again the same reason

Charlotte- It's cute

Lily- Beautiful

Luna- I'm not sure but i've taken a liking to this name

Maddy- =]


Connor- Masculine

Ethan- Cute

Luke- Handsome

Jayden- Starting to go off this name but i like the nickname Jay

Alfie- Adorable!
2008-12-22 20:44:16 UTC
I'll do my top 5 for each.


Kerensa Joy Aine {ker-EN-suh...AHN-yuh}: I just think Kerensa is gorgeous. Joy is my mn and my mom's mn. Aine, I think is sweet and it honors my husband's grandmother Anne. Also, Kerensa means love. Joy, obviously Joy, and Aine means Radiance...I just love the meaning of "Love. Joy. Radiance."

Dahlia Noemi Charis {no-AY-mee. KARE-iss}: I just love Dahlia. Noemi honors my husband's aunt Naomi. Charis honors my mom Charlene and my grandma Lois. Dahlia is a flower, Noemi means Pleasantness and Charis means Grace.

Saoirse Briony Juliet {SAIR-shuh. BREYE-o-nee}: I just love Saoirse. Briony honors my dad Brian. and Juliet I just love. Saoirse means freedom. Briony is a version of Bryony, which is a plant and Juliet has such a literary feel.

Evangeline Allegra Pearl: I basically just love all of these names. I suppose Evangeline could honor my cousin Angelique, and Pearl could honor my husband's aunt Margaret.

Isla Beatrice Lily- again, just love these names. If this combo had family significance, it might be higher.


Jonas Gabriel McLane: Jonas is an anagram of my cousin Jason who passed away a couple years, I just LOVE the name. Gabriel is my husband's favorite name. McLane is my maiden name. Jonas means dove, which has the connection with peace, and Gabriel means strong man of God.

Ezra Phineas Clark: just love Ezra and Phineas. Clark is my husband's mn, and his dad's mn, and my dad's mn. Ezra means helper.

Abram Frederick Wright: just love Abram. Frederick is my husband's grandfather's mn. Wright is a family surname on my side.

Saul Alexander McCoy: just love Saul, plus it honors the many Pauls in my family. Alexander is my husband's second fave name. McCoy is another family surname (had no boys to carry on the name). Saul means Prayed for...I love that. Alexander means defender of mankind.

Thaddeus Omri Hart: I just love Thaddeus. Omri kind of honors my grandfather Orval. And Hart is a family surname on my husband's side.

I love all of the names, and it makes it even more awesome when there is family significance.
Mandy M
2008-12-22 20:53:48 UTC
I love love the girl name Olympia, wih Pia for a nicknames. I've loved it ever since I saw it on idk why but i like Angela I like the name Carmen for a girl, i like Hazel for a girl, even thoigh its really popular I like Ashley, but spelled Ashlie or Ashleah or Ashlii or Ashleey (I know the last 2 are crazy) and theres more but it would take to long and for boys Jake, Kayden, Conner and Caleb
2008-12-22 20:33:38 UTC





I don't know why I like these... some are family names but mostly they aren't weird.






All Biblical... how odd. I don't like "trendy" names.
2008-12-22 20:28:05 UTC








This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.